Chapter 6

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hey i know it's short but i should be uploading another chapter again today if i get the chance. well read and enjoy.

song has no connection to story but it helped me to write this.

vote and comment please!! 

:D x

Daltons P.O.V

I probably shouldn’t have allowed the boy to stay as Astrix doesn’t really deserve it due to her behaviour earlier but I can’t really kick him out now. I feel a bit hesitant towards the guy thought. I don’t know why but he is giving me a funny feeling. I’m probably just getting over from the worry of earlier. That must be it I thought with conviction. Yet I still steal glances over at Astrix and her new friend. They look cosy and the boy keeps saying things to make Astrix smile.

A smile unconsciously slips onto my face but as soon as a realise I rearrange my features. Maybe I’m getting a cold or something and its bringing my mood down I think to myself as I leave the room and head into the kitchen to clean the plates after dinner. It’s usually Astrix’s job to clean up as I cooked but it doesn’t seem fair to make her clear up as she has her guest round.

I wonder who that guy is and how come he is hanging round with Astrix all of a sudden. BECAUSE SHE IS BEAUTIFUL my mind answers for me but I shake away the thought. Maybe he is with Astrix because of that though. But she has never had guys following her around before. It must just be the shock of a guy liking her that is making me feel funny.

I start to think back to a few years ago when Astrix first told me she had no interest in guys and that I would be the only guy she would ever need. She was a child but it still meant a lot. But I guess she is all grown up now. AND LEAVING YOU my mind said again.

The thought made me pause though. She would be leaving me. Someday soon she would meet someone, get married, move out, have children… and I would be all on my own. I don’t want to lose her.

I shake my head again trying to knock away the thoughts. Yeah she would leave but that is all a part of growing up. I try to convince myself on this as I re-enter the front room to see the new kid holding Astrix’s hand as she try’s and fails to stand up. It appears that she had been laughing so hard that she had started to cry and fell over. Part of my mind was hoping she was ok whereas the other part was staring at his hand in hers in hatred.

How dare he hold her hand? The though stopped me again. Maybe I have drank one glass too much of coffee today as my brain isn’t acting right. Where are all these thoughts coming from?

Yet my brain doesn’t stop thinking them. How dare he hold her hand? How dare he make her laugh like that? Who does he think he is to make moves on my girl?! She is mine! My thoughts screamed at me.

And suddenly I knew. I knew why I felt so much hatred towards the boy I have only just met. I knew why I suddenly had a stiffness in my chest at the thought of her leaving me. I knew why I thought such inappropriate things towards her. I liked her. More than I should. I was jealous.

And with that sudden understanding came another one. I had to stop it. I had to let her leave. It wasn’t right for me to feel this way. I needed to avoid her and to get some pace so I can stop these feelings before they get worse.

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