When should I cut him off?

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This post is about one of the most difficult decisions you will ever have to make.

Cut off a person you care about/love.

Now for me, it is important to know when to leave somenone's life. Before it gets out of hand. Before you become unwanted. But in order to do something like that you should first of all know your worth!

Every single person on earth is worth it. Every single person is worth to be loved, be treated well by the people they love and to be respected.

Each person knows deep inside when something is over, even if there's no explanation or formal ending like it is in a relationship. When someone treats you bad, makes you feel low, is not supportive etc.

This is the most important rule to follow: "Think about the way this person is making you feel. If they make you sad more than happy, angry more than calm, makes you want to give up more than inspires you" If you feel like the person is holding you down. Let go. Leave them behind, leave them in the past, stop worrying about them. Pretend they don't exist.

Stop thinking what if! Let me tell you what would have happened.

You would be together for a month maximum. Then the problems would start. He would ignore you, make you feel like you are not enough and bring you down by flirting with every living girl he sees (Just like he is doing right now) He would not introduce you to his friends. He would not take you to cute dates. You are not the girl he talks about when he is drunk. You are not the girl he thinks of when he is hanging out with his friends. He won't tell you where he is. He will get angry at you with ever chance you give him.

It won't be perfect. You are not soulmates. If you were you would be together already.

Always remember that if someone wants to be in your life, he will. Either this is with a message, or a call or meeting you. One way or another you will know he's there and he will show his support, love or interest. That can work both for your lover and a friend.

If they want to be there they will. We no longer live in the 16th century where someone needs to make an effort to talk to you. There are tons of social media that he can use to get through to you. He can call. He can text.

Of course you shouldn't overdo it. Don't get mad if he doesn't text back immediately, if you don't talk for a day, if he doesn't comment and like your picture immediately after you post it. I am sure you all can understand when someone is ignoring you on purpose and when it's accidental.

On a last note, you are all worth of love, respect and being treated nicely. Don't let people walk over you, use you or talk to you only when they need you. Nobody deserves to be treated that way. Don't let anyone do this to you.

No matter how low you think of yourself,you are worth the same as everyone else.


Alright so, this was pretty intense to write and read afterwards but I hope it's helpful. I know it's hard to take such a decision but you should know when it's time to let go.

I love you guys so much and I will see you next Sunday.

Lots of love


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