Untitled Part 1

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In wikihow, "How to Unlove someone" the first step is to reduce contact. This is easy. We barely even talk anymore.

Step number two is list flaws and problems. That's a bit more tricky, but I decided to give it a shot. In public. On the Internet. For everyone to see.

1) You don't love me back. To be honest, you don't even like me. You don't want to hang out with me and you don't even say "Good morning" when you see me. This is the most important thing. It would be an understatement to say that you simply don't like me. Oh, you hate my guts. And to make matters worse, I never did anything but be there for you all the times that you needed someone to talk to. All the times that you needed a friend. So, this doesn't really make you my favorite person in this planet.

2) You are the one who stopped talking to me. And I don't mean just didn't talk to me for a day or a week. You shut me out of your life like I was your worst enemy. The one day we were talking and laughing and the next you decided that you were too "cool and famous" to talk to me anymore. And this hurt. It really did. Because I've always been there for you. I was there when no one talked to you but your closest friends. I was there when all the girls thought you were "ugly and fat and stupid". I was there during your transformation from "fat and ugly" to "handsome and hot". I was there when your first girlfriend would be jealous of me and wouldn't let you talk to me. I stayed faithful when she hated me and ruined my birthday party. I was there.

3) You left me in the worst period of my life. Thank you for reminding me how big of a disappointment I am. Thank you for letting me know that I didn't deserve you. I was going through the worst time of my life and you left me all alone, thinking that depression and suicidal thoughts were nothing compared to the pain of losing you. You left me all alone thinking that the demons in my head scared you away.

4) you were the first to notice my self harm. Not my best friend. Not my parents. Not the friend who said she would always be there for me. You. And you asked if I liked sex rough. You joked with my wounds. I still don't know if I liked the fact that you joked about it or your joke made it all worse.... Because it was never funny.

5) You seem to get along with anyone. Yeah, right. Anyone who is good looking or any girl with big boobs really. Let's be honest, you pick your friends depending on how beautiful they are. At least the girls.

6) Every time I see you I want to throw up. I don't know why I just feel it in my guts. And this cannot be good.

7) Even without talking you still make me feel bad about myself. Just by looking at me and flashing me this ironic smile that makes the urge to punch you irresistible.

8) You never talk to me anymore. Not even a simple "hi" when you see me. You greet everyone but me.

9) When you do talk, it's only to insult me. Or just make any situation with a guy (even if this is my best friend) awkward. Not only did you leave me but you try to eliminate all chances of me even getting some other close male friend. Thanks for that. I appreciate it.

10)You think you are cool but in reality you are just an a**hole.

11) My mother likes you. More like adores you. And I know that she will always like you more than any guy I will introduce her to. I sweat to God, I can bring Leonardo DiCaprio at home and she will still prefer you. She thinks that one way or another we will end up together at some point. And I don't want to ruin it for her by saying all the things you've said to me.

12) You treated me like I meant shit to you. And believe me, now I know I did.

13) Only now do I realize that our friendship meant nothing to you. You literally stopped talking to me with the first chance you got.

14) I never got an explanation. You never said "I don't like to be friends with you because you are ugly/awkward/ boring." You never said an "I hate you", a "fuck you" nothing. You just left me all alone wondering why I hadn't been good enough.

15) The only proof I have that you hate me is this in my head. Because I can't say to people how cold your stares are and how ironic your every word is without having everyone to think I am crazy.

16) You don't deserve my tears, my mind, my heart and all the hours of sleep I lost because of you. You just don't. But unfortunately I still spend them on you.

17) I know that even after all these if you apologized I would gather every little piece of my heart and put it back in place so you can break it all over again.

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