But I am only human....

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A lot of times humans tend to forget that they are exactly that. Humans. And as humans we have feelings, and not all of them are positive. As humans we dream far and big, we are ambitious and we aim for the stars. When we fall down on earth again, we are devastated, broken, sad and hurt. We can be disappointed and we can be depressed.

We don't have to be available all the time. Sometimes we have to put ourselves first, without it being selfish.

Actually, since we are humans and we ARE selfish. We do things not for others but for our own benefit and find an excuse to make ourselves look selfless. But we are not. And it's okay. It's okay to put yourself over others sometimes, it's okay to take care of yourself first. It's okay to leave the people that hurt you and it's okay to have bad days. Everyone has them. You don't have to pretend so you don't hurt someone else. You don't have to hurt yourself to protect someone else's ego. You can say to your best friend that she is mean, you can say to your boyfriend that he is arrogant and you can say to your parents that they are being rude to you if it's true.

It's okay to feel trapped you know. It's okay to be sad and it's okay not to be okay.

You have feelings and you are always going to have them. And this is okay too. You see, at one point or another you are going to accept them and move on. You are not going to be like this forever. Depressed, alone, heart broken, anxious or desperate for someone.You just need to accept the fact that you are feeling all these things you are feeling and that all these things are absolutely valid. No, you are not crazy. No, you are not alone. Yes, other people have felt this before. Yes, they will feel it again.

But at the same time, it's okay to actually be okay. If you don't have a tragic story to tell in order to be a strong person. You don't have to have suffered in order to be important. You should be proud of yourself if you are lucky enough to be happy! You should not be afraid to share your happiness in fear of making someone else feel bad.

So, in conclusion you can be anything you are and you shouldn't really give a shit about it. Instead you should try and make each day better. You should try and recover from that mental illness, you should try and feel good in your own skin and if you already do you should try and complete all your goals and go after your dreams.

And whenever you feel attacked, or sad or anxious about the future, just remember; It's all going to be okay at the end.


I hope you guys enjoyed that!!! Make sure you vote and comment what you think and remember that you are not alone!!!
I love you guys so much!!!

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