New Year's Resolutions (or just any resolutions at all)

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Heyy guys!! Today we are talking about trying to change your life by making promises to yourself. Or as we call it "Resolutions"

A new year is always a great opportunity to make a fresh start BUT that doesn't mean that you cannot change your life on a Tuesday in the 23rd of May. Which basically means, DON'T WAIT for the beginning of the week, the month , the year. If you want to make a change make it right now.

Now that we have cleared that up, it's time for me to tell you my resolutions.

1) Forget HIM.

My favourite quote of all time says that "We accept the love we think we deserve" and I never thought that I did the same but turns out THIS IS THE STORY OF MY LIFE. It's the same thing I did with HIM.

He treated me like shit, was no longer in love with me and I didn't give up on him.For such a long time, I made myself think that he will come back and that he still loves me even though every single one of his actions pointed out the opposite. I actually thought that this is what love is like.

But it's not.

And I don't want ANY OF YOU to think that loving someone means ignoring them or playing games okay? I made so many excuses for him the most ridiculous one being that "he wanted to have some fun with other girls, easier to get and that he would come back to me"

Yeah, that did not happen.

2)Pay people the same amount of attention the pay you

This is a tricky one and let me give you some rules that I have set.

a)This doesn't imply in new friends that I don't know yet

b) I have to test if a person is really busy or is just ignoring me before I try and ignore him back (i did that with chris and turns out he was just busy ;) )

c) Don't do it the first time that someone ignores me. Wait a little

d) Don't be too harsh. Only apply this resolution to people who deserve it like HIM

3)Finish a book

I have such a hard time doing that. I always get so excited with a story and the moment I have competed the first like, three chapters I get all these plot bunnies or something really bad (or really good if I am lucky) happens in my personal life and I forget about it.

This year I want to finish this story I have in mind.

4)Meet someone special And by that I mean get a boyfriend

WHAT? Not all my goals can be deep and well-thought. Plus I have missed being in love.

5) Be really positive

This is maybe the most important one so far. I want to be as positive as I possibly can and just see the good in every situation. I want to be able to see things in a better perspective and not be so damn pessimistic all the time.

I have actually found this amazing youtuber who is also struggling with depression and anxiety and she is so positive and kind so she is basically my role model. Her name is Kaylin Nicholson so you should definitely go and check her channel out!

Here's something she said in one of her latest videos that really inspired me to become much more positive and optimistic. (I will link the video so you guys can see it)

"This is the youngest you will ever be. This moment right now is the only moment that's happening in your life. The past is gone and the future doesn't exist yet, so just breathe it in, do your best every single moment that you can, relax and take a rest when you need one. Work hard. Keep your mind happy and your energy high and the universe will reciprocate the energy that you are giving"

These were all my resolutions!! Now, here are some tips so you don't forget about them and you are inspired to work for them.

The following tips work for any kind of goal but I am going to talk about being positive as I know that this is the easier and the most relatable.

TIP #1

Make sure you see it.

Make a collage of pictures in your desk, create a new instagram/tumblr/pinterest to get inspired on a daily basis or just change your desktop into something that will remind you of your goal.

If your goals is to be healthier try and join a community in social media like fitblr on Tumblr or follow fitness accounts on Instagram. Same goes for every goal you set. You really can't imagine how many people there are out there that want the things you want and are there to encourage you.

Another idea would be to just remind yourself by setting alarms, sending messages or putting post-it notes in places you see often e.g. on the fridge

A good idea for post-it notes it to put them on the inside of the fridge. At the end of the day, you do notice it more than the outside anyways. Or you can put it on your favourite snack or on your computer/phone as a background.

TIP #2

Make sure it's realistic

I have such a serious problem with that. I see all these people being like "New Year New Me" etc and I wonder how someone can say that. You do not set goals to become a different person, you set them to become a better version of the person you already are.

Instead of saying "I want to never feel sad again" (which is impossible by the way) say something along the lines of "I want to be as positive as I can" or "I want to make each moment happier"

TIP #3

Make sure you find people that have the same goal/problem

A lot of times, we think we can do something on our own but when that time comes we wish we had someone to talk to. In addition, even more times, we do not want to talk to people that we know with the fear of being judged or laughed at.

This is why I recommend joining an online community that shares the same problem or goal you do. This way, you can talk with people or just see their progress and get inspired by them.

In my experience, I got this message from a reader telling me how much they like the story and this really pushed me into writing more.



I wanted to thank therapyasap for giving me so much motivation to write again!!


I NEED HELP!! I think will change the title (as it is no longer relevant) so if any of you guys have anything to suggest please do so!

Sending positive vibes


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