Chapter 13: Fun Houses, secret rooms and cops...OH MY!! Part 3

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"You know where Jane the Killer and Jeff the Killer are, Don'tchu."

You stared into the old Captain Conner's eyes, that were a mere 8 inches away.  Your smug look, that you had given to the deputy, gone. The look on your face was now that of one void of emotion or life. You learned how to do this, so that no one could tell when you were lying or hiding something. Ryan had a panic-y look on his face. Ryan stood to your left side, staring at you one moment, then the old captain the next, then back to you. "Yes, I know where Jane the Killer is. But not Jeff. Now I am sorry, but I am not telling you where she is." The old man gave you an irritated look. As Ryan gave you a face that just screamed 'WTF! Don't tell him'. "Why will you not tell me ,(Y/N)?" You gave him a smile, one he knew to be the smile of a plan AND hidden knowledge. "Because, I know her story. I know how Jeff murdered her parents, I know he burned her alive, I know that he caused all of her anger and rage and her desire for vengeance. I also know that I found her wounded and I cleaned her up, I know that she has killed more criminals than any single police officer, I even know that I nearly got her to the point where she wouldn't hunt Jeff or go kill criminals anymore.  That was until that son of a bitch attacked me a while back and now has killed my employee and friend Kate!"

Conner's eyes grew sad hearing all this. "So you found her and didn't say anything to me or call the police?" You gave him a pissed off look and replied, "So you could what? Bring her into a court? So she could be sent to the nut house or execution? A girl who is trying to kill a MONSTER, that deprived her of her family and her childhood, and all the trash she can along the way? SHE has done more good for the U.S. than any of the police. SHE has caught up to him on MANY occasions AND nearly killed him. And what have the police done? Got killed or chased after a cold trail. I hate to say it but: Sometimes, it takes someone, without the law on their side, to kill what cannot be killed with the law.  For example...MONSTERS... like Jeff. Now, knowing ALL that I have told you, do you still think taking her in is a good idea? Because more people will die if you domore than if you don't. Do you think that I will tell you? Because I won't."

Conner had to give it to you, but you were right on ALL accounts. He knew you wouldn't lie to him. But, he also knew you were NOT gonna tell him what he wanted to know. He looked down at the ground. Then back to you. He took a deep sigh and looked at you and said, "You are right (Y/n). I tell you, your golden-heart and that big brain of yours is a marvel of it's own. Alright, don't tell me. But you know that I WILL have to do the rest of this investigation AND I will have to arrest you if you get caught by anyone else. Furthermore, I want you to know, IF you play your cards right, IF Jeff is killed, and IF you, Ryan Jane, and William ,IF he is involved, I will let go. I will even find a way to make it to where Jane wont have to worry about staying in the dark and having to lie about who she is. You know that I am quite good at twisting truth."  You game him a smug look and asked, "Are you saying what I think you are saying? You would help us, people who should be convicts, despite the fact that you are a cop and a veteran?" HE smirked and responded, "I like to think of myself as a 'Soldier of Justice'. And I know that Being a great soldier and a damn great man, means doing what YOU think is right. Even if you are the only one who believes in it."

You smirked as the old man before you smirked back. You closed your eyes and nodded your head at him with respect. Only for him to return this gesture. Then the knob to the bathroom started being opened then, and the deputy started to walk out the bathroom door, with a patch and medical tape over his nose. "-SO... thank you for your time. Once more thank you for your compliance, despite what little information you had to spare with-" Conner started, then stopped to look at his deputy, who now stood as broad and as stiff as a tree in the hallway, receiving a displeased look from his captain. "-us. Once more, our Condolences on Kate. Oh, and by the way, Her mother said she would be honored to have you attend her funeral. She said that you were Kate's closest friend and her boss, she also said she doesn't blame you one bit for her daughters death. She does hope that we catch that sumbitch and then kill em'. We will get out of your hair now." With that the captain gave you and Ryan a wink and left with his deputy close behind.

The moment the door closed behind them Ryan bolted to the door, locked it, turned around, propped himself on the door and gave a HUGE sigh of relief. "Thank ...GOD! I thought he was gonna take us to jail!" You laughed a little at your freaked out friend. Throwing your head back, because you laughed so hard.  You walked downstairs and got the hatch unlocked and hopped down into the hidden room. Only to find Jane twirling a knife with her fingers. "So honey... is the bad copies gone?" Jane asked in a funny, sweet, childlike way. You rolled your eyes, as she got up and walked over to you. "Yeah, and I have a friend on the inside. He can be trusted."

All of a sudden, your cell began to play "Eye of the Tiger" ringtone. You took out your iphone5 and answered, "William! What do you got? .... I see....huh....damn.... got it.... YES he knew. Do you HONESTLY believe he would overlook or not expect the self proclaimed:"INFO -GOD"?  Yeah... see you soon." You looked at Jane, who stared at you dumb-founded during the conversation. "William says that Jeff was spotted running towards the old warehouse on the west-side of town. He then asked if my friend on the inside, knew he was apart of my little op. I don't think I NEED to explain that he did?-" You looked at Jane with your left eyebrow cocked. She shook her head 'NO'. "-Then he suggested that we start hunting his ass down. He thought 6 o'clock would be a good time."

Jane had a smirk, then she asked in a cute and curious way, for the vigilante, " WE... hunt him down?  Don't you think I should hunt him down alone? It WOULD keep you guys out of any possible danger with the cops. AND death at Jeff's hands. I, personally, don't want him do NOT want him to take you guys from me to. I know he killed Kate... and I am sorry... but he is here to finish ME off. This is not your fight." You looked at her with a stern, yet caring, face. Then you walked over to her, gave her a 10 second passionate kiss... then parted stating. "Jane... I have come to love you-" She then said nervously, "I-I love you too..."

That small statement brought you an amazing relief, though you already knew she did. It just felt better to HEAR. " Then that ALONE makes it my fight. Yeah, I want to kill him for killing Kate. But I also want to kill him to protect YOU from him... for GOOD! As for William and Ryan... they have become accustomed to your presence and they are 2 of my 5 BEST friends. It would NOT be and overstatement, to say they are like my brothers. SINCE this is MY fight and YOURS... they will fight Death and storm the gates of HELL for us."

Jane was moved to tears. She never knew a human like YOU... or the friends you both now shared had. To tell the truth.. ever since her parents died... she was a bit afraid to get close to anyone... and she became lonely. I guess you could say, she forgot what love TRUELY is.  You went to a weapons locker and pulled out a pistol vest that held  6 German Lugers (in excellent condition btw). "Pick your prefered weapon." She walked over to you, with a few  tears still in her eyes, though you did not notice. You turned around and looked down at the weapons, and then felt Jane gently wrap her arms around your chest, gave you a prolonged kiss on the neck, and glanced over your shoulder at the weapons. Then she said , "Comes with being on the streets..."

You smirked at your vigilant girlfriend, chuckled warm-heartedly and said, "Well, now that WE are ready... let's go upstairs and wait for Ryan to prepare AND William to get back TOO prepare. The hunt is gonna be FUN!" Jane laughed like a schoolgirl at your enthusiasm. THIS caught you off guard, however. You then smiled and walked upstairs with her, hand-in-hand.

Let the hunt Begin!!!

A/n: Does anyone have any suggestions? Events or Creepypasta camoes or add- ons?

Regardless, hoping you are still enjoying the story! BYYEEE 

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