Chapter 6: Answers and Stitches

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 It was 10:47pm when you got in the door of your home. Ryan looked at you as you walked in with eyes as wide as the moon. "(Y/n)!!!" He ran over to you, with William and Jane right behind him. You propped yourself against the wall to your immediate right. Your right hand over a cut on your abdomen. Barely standing up. Jane came up and tried to hold you up. "(Y/n), you are hurt! Who did this?" You looked at Jane and smiled brightly. "Ah, I'm fine. William-" William looked at you  worry in his eyes. "-go get me my sewing kit, a tub of water, and some alcohol." The tall, curly brunette man with glasses gave you a nod and ran upstairs. "Ryan, help me get to my recliner. Jane, I want you to sit by me. I need some answers from you." Ryan chuckled and said sarcastically, "And I thought you said you were 'fine'."  He came and tucked an arm under you and brought you to your chair. "HA-HA! Shuttup!" He sat you down and William came back with what you asked for as Jane sat on the couch next to you. Sitting up your faces probably weren't more than 3 and half feet away from each other. "Here ya go." William stated, he gave you the sewing needle so you could get the string ready. He poured some alcohol on your wound, when doing this your jaw clenched. You started stitching yourself up. "Jane, at work the last costumer that came in. HE did this to me. Do you know who it was? None other than Jeff the Killer.-" She looked up at you with obvious tensen. "He said that he burned your parents alive, with you inside and that you have been hunting him ever since. That HE IS the reason you are a vigilante. Is this true?" She looked at you and you could hear a sob come from her. All eyes were now on her. "Yes, I-it is true. That THING not only did all that, but that same night he killed his own family. Strung them up at the dinner table, made it seem like it was a dinner party, and said since I was his 'friend', that he would make me 'beautiful like him'. " You looked at her with pity as you now went to stitching the cut on your left shoulder. "I used to know him, before he was a killer. I was his next door neighbor. But after... that... night, I vowed to hunt him. Five nights ago I fought him for the 47th tim. He beat me pretty bad. I fled and I crashed under a bridge. The next thing I know, I wake up in your house." You looked at her as you got done stitching yourself up. Jane looked at you and said. " Please (y/n), don't hate me for not telling you." You looked at her and said, " Jane I cannot blame you, you only met us 4 days ago. I don't hate you. Besides, you have not lied to me at all. Now then,I am done with stitching. William, Ryan... Lets come up with a plan..."

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