Chapter 4: Bad Work Day. Part 1

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--4 Days after first meeting--

You, Jane and Ryan were all sitting on the couch watching Fairy Tale on Netflix. Jane has been sleeping in your bed the past few nights. As for her wounds, they were healing exceedingly well. William would come over each day after college to tell you all if anyone was coming to look for Jane in the town. You took another swig of your C.M.C (chocolate-milk coffee) as did Jane from her cup. "How did you learn to make such awesome coffee?" Jane asked. You smiled "I used to work at Starbucks. I used to fiddle around with the ingredients to make all kinds of creations. I quit that job because my boss was a bitch. Every day she would complain how she didn't get paid enough for doing her job and putting up with us 'losers'. Funny thing was: all she ever did was sit on her ass and complain." You explained;  Jane giggled at this. All of a sudden your watch began to beep. You looked at your Jack Skellington wrist-watch and it said 9:00 am. " Speaking of work, I gotta go. Ryan you should get ready to go to college. Jane, you are in charge of the house.  Call me if anything gets out of hand." You pulled out your spare cell phone that had a Black Veil Brides design on it. "Alright, will do." With that you went to your Impala, and drove to work.

---11 and half hours later---

It was almost an hour away to closing up. Kate (your employee) said "Hey boss man! Would it be alright if I clocked out right now? I have to go home and study for tomorrows test in Biology." You looked at the 18 Year old pinkete in the Fall Out Boy t-shirt and said, "Alright, but as your manager I recommend you make up your hours on Thursday. Kay?" Kate looked at you and said, Thanks boss, you the best!" With that, she clocked out and went out the door. You went to the desk and were filling out some paperwork. When all of a sudden, some young man in a white hoodie came in, You could not see his face through his black hair and hood over his eyes. You looked at his black dress pants, they looked pretty worn out. You looked at him as he went over to the store fridge. He pulled out a bottle of Coca-Cola and walked up to you. You still couldn't see his eyes, but you could see his skin was extremely pale and a smile, that looked like it was carved in from ear to ear. You however, thought it was just a great make-up style and that this kid was going to a party or something.

"Nice costume. Goin to a party?" You asked as you scanned the soda bottle. The young man put his hands into his hoodie pockets,, and with a deep, insane like voice, that gave you chills up yours spine he said, " There is no party, and this isn't make-up." You looked at him strangely, you had the feeling this kid was looking for trouble. You prepared yourself for anything, or so you thought, as you replied " The soda is gonna cost $1.67 after tax." The young man responded to you with, "Shame I don't have that kinda money, but I tell you what. I'll just pay for it by making you... GO...TO...SLEEP!" He then pulled out a Knife and he thrusted it at your chest. You grabbed his wrist and said, " Bitch please, You aint the only one who has tried that." You threw him to the ground and pulled out your bat that you had beneath the counter and   as he got back up to thrust the blade into you by lunging. Only for you to crack your bat into the side of his head. He fell to the ground. He got up and looked at you with cold eyes. You noticed that his eyelids were burnt off. You realized who... or rather what... this was. This was none other than Jeff the Killer. The serial killer that has claimed 482 lives in the past two years. Starting with his own family, then killing people throughout America.

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