Chapter 10: Bearer of Bad News

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 You woke up the next morning to find yourself in bed. With Jane  dressed in  the lingere you bought her, and hugging you tightly. Her breasts pressed against your chest and they were firm, yet oddly soft. You looked down at the bed to find that the blanket was found on the ground. You looked down at yourself, and found yourself in your Imagine Dragons underwear. You admit, she looked HOT in her underwear. You smiled at your situation.

All of a sudden Ryan burst into your room shouting,"(Y/n)! Holy CRAP! Did you get laid?" Your face got pissy, and you looked him with rage. "THIS... had BETTER be important!" Ryan shook his head and mentally smacked himself to get him out of his daze. "Turn on the TV NOW!" Having him say that, you knew it had to be important. You grabbed the remote from your dresser, that was a foot away from the head of the bed. You turned it on and Jane finally woke up. You saw a woman on the news who said, "The infamous Jeff the Killer has struck again! This time here in our OWN neighborhood. He went to a Hot Topic in the town of Jacksonville (the made-up towns name.)" Then it showed the picture of the victim and your heart sank. 

"Eighteen year old employee, Kate McCullen, was found stabbed to death. With a note stating:

                'I know Jane the Killer is here! I will find you Jane. and I WILL kill you. Know that every life I Take in this town is your fault!'"

You got pissed off and screamed loud in shear pain. Realising that Kate is dead because you asked her to watch over the store with only a pistol. Jane came behind you and hugged you from the back and Ryan came in front of you and said. "Buddy, it's alright, WE will kill him if he comes here. What happened to Kate is not your fault. I will help you get revenge on him, but first: we gotta focus! The police ARE gonna come here to ask you questions, more than likely. So we have to get our stories straight and find Jane a place to hide." You looked at your friend, with eyes softened, but still tears were in them. He was right, you had to do these things with a clear mind. You turned around and saw Jane with her head bowed. "I-I am sorry. He is here because I am. Now your friend is dead." You put two fingers beneath her chin and made Jane look up at you in tne eyes. "It is NOT your fault. That DEMON wants blood... I'll give him plenty of it when I start makin him choke on it when I slit his throat with his own knife! Every body get dressed and ready! We have to be prepared when the police come.

A/N: Sorry I have not updated in some time guys, Dealing with trade school and its many problems and changing schedules I haven't had the time to update. Keep in mind:  each day, I have updated this story in my 30 minute computer time. I am entitled to that alone. So once again, I am sorry for not updating recently. I will try harder to get you this story updated more. Also, Just so you all Know, I am actually also working on Two books I am writing to publish. so wish me luck.

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