Cinderella Man Chapter 13

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Hello my lovies!

This message is coming to you from the sun kissed Chelsea and not the practical vampire I was before. I'm finally back in my own bed, with nothing but memories and a 2 euro bracelet to remind me of my trip to France!

Now here comes the apology I owe you guys! I said I would upload again before I left and I didn't... I'm sorry! I have no excuse other than that my quiet Saturday night in I had planned to write the chapter ended with me at a party and every one crashing at my house! Even that's a bad excuse as to why I left you guys hanging... AGAIN!

To make matters worse... I don't like this chapter, it even manages to bore me and I wrote it! The next one that I'm writing now should be better... hopefully!

Well anyway, enough wth my babble.

I hope somehow you still manage to enjoy this chapter!

Thank you my beautiful people! :)

Enjoy <3

Emily's POV

My heart sinks as I see who my visitor is.

It's not Sam, it's James.

He notices the disappointment on my face, and his happy grin slowly turns into a confused frown.

"Well that wasn't the reaction I was expecting," he sighs before walking closer to me.

"I'm sorry, I am happy to see you I promise, I just thought you were someone else," I admit.

He still looks at me with confusion on his face, before he steps forward and pulls me into a tight embrace.

"You looked like you needed a hug," he whispers in my ear before pulling away and holding me at arm's length, "want to tell me what's got you so down?"

After what feels like a lifetime of holding in my feelings, I finally let them out. I let the tears pour and stream down my face. I let the sobs choke me and steal my breath. I let James stand there and hug me while whispering reassuring and comforting words.

I let my mind be taken over with thoughts of Sam walking away that night, thoughts of him telling me that he loves me only to walk away afterwards. I let myself think of his soft and gentle smile, of his stunningly deep brown eyes. I remember the way his voice sounded as he told me stories and sang me songs.

Most importantly, I remember the way that he made me feel.

Like I was more than my title and my family name, like I wasn't just the next Queen of the country. He made me feel like none of that mattered, he made me feel like I was normal. And I loved that, I loved being normal.

Now that he's gone, all I feel is sadness and desperation.

Once I slowly start to run out of tears and my sobs reduce to a minimum, I feel brave enough to pull away and look at James.

He has sympathy written all over his face, and that look is nearly enough to start a fresh batch of tears.

"Come on sweetie, tell me what happened?"

So I do.

I tell James everything from that night. I tell him how I said I love you to Sam, and how he said it back. I tell him how Sam started talking about the future and his fears of being King. I tell him of Sam's sadness and worry at the thought of having the whole country reject him. And finally, I tell him how Sam got up and walked away for good.

I barely manage to keep back the tears as I tell him this, one or two managing to slip out and roll down my cheek.

James doesn't say anything as I speak, just looks at me with understanding and sympathy radiating from his eyes.

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