Chapter Thirty Eight

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Chapter Thirty Eight

"Oh, Eddie, you look beautiful," Jamie said with a smile as he accompanied Eddie and Lila to their last dress fitting. The wedding was only six days away now and it was most definitely crunch time.

"How does it feel in the sleeve, Mrs. Reagan?" the seamstress asked Eddie. "Still pulling tight?"

"No, it feels great, not too tight at all," Eddie replied.

"It really does look perfect on you, Mom," Lila replied. "Did you decided if you want to wear your hair up or down yet?"

"I think up," Jamie said offering an opinion he usually kept to himself. "I think it will make the dress look more elegant and well..." He raised his eyebrows at Eddie making Lila blush.

"If you two are going to act like you did last night at the rehearsal dinner, you can stay home," she threatened, almost joking. "Between you two and Uncle Danny and Aunt Linda I'm not sure who the newlywed couple is supposed to be, me and Steve or one of you two."

Eddie stepped off the podium and started back to the dressing room addressing Lila over her shoulder, "You just hope that when you and Steve are married as long as Dad and I or Aunt Linda and Uncle Danny you are as feisty. That's how you get through things like cancer, strokes, and Uncle Danny's legendary and well...heat."

Eddie didn't see Jamie blush as she disappeared into the dressing room. Next it was Lila's turn. Jamie didn't want to see her in her gown the first time on her wedding day, he was afraid he would be too emotional and have blurred vision going down the aisle. He had to be very careful when he walked because even with his brace, he still did not feel his foot firmly hitting the ground. When Eddie took her seat on the couch beside him, Lila went into the room with the seamstress. When she came out in the A-line gown, now with a full crinoline, Jamie choked up. His baby was now a bride...

August, 2024

"Mr. Reagan?" Jamie was sitting with his head in his hands, blood still covering his arms and chest from where he had held Eddie as she struggled in the back seat of the car on the way to the hospital.

"Jamie," Danny nudged his little brother. "The doctor..."

Jamie started and looked up at the older, gentle looking doctor. "My wife? My baby?" His voice was thick with emotion, he knew he had just lost one or both of them. Jamie reached over for Danny, he needed his older brother's support when the doctor made the devastating blow.

"You have a beautiful baby girl," he announced with a smile. "Six pounds, nine ounces, but she's a tiny little bit...sixteen inches..."

Jamie breathed a sigh of relief hearing that his baby was alive. "My wife? Tell me about Eddie."

The doctor sighed, "The OB specialist is working on your wife. Her uterus is what we call "boggy" it means that it's not firming up the way it should after giving birth. That is leading to excessive bleeding which has caused your wife to fall unconscious."

Jamie inhaled sharply, "Doctor, she's everything...please..."

"The specialist is one of the best in the area, you can come with me now to see your baby."

Jamie followed the doctor on shaky legs to the nursey. He put on a gown and gloves then stepped inside. The nurse turned smiling at him with the tiniest baby he'd ever remembered seeing. She was swaddled in a pink hospital issue blanket and sported a little pink cap. "Here's your Daddy, little one," the nurse whispered as she placed the tiny sleeping infant into Jamie's arms. "She is perfect."

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