Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

Three times that night, Eddie got up to take Jamie to the bathroom. It took her about ten minutes to get him into his chair, another ten to get him on and off the toilet, and another ten to get him back into bed. By morning, they were both exhausted. It was clear to Eddie at least that these bathroom trips were not going to work.

Her back and her arms ached. She hadn't felt such searing pain in her left arm in years but today it throbbed. Still, she couldn't let Jamie know that. She got up at eight to get breakfast going. Lila was already there having to leave for classes at 830. "How did you sleep?" Lila asked Eddie hoping her mother would have had more rest with Jamie home.

"Okay, but I had to get up a few times with Dad," Eddie replied. "He's still out like a light. I'm going to fix him some oatmeal, the physical therapist is coming today at noon to do his work out." Eddie started the coffee. "Is grandpa up?"

"Up and out, he went for breakfast with Aunt Erin," Lila replied. "Mom, I know you've been really busy but I was hoping we can talk about the wedding. I mentioned to Dad wanting to get married here in Brooklyn then have the reception maybe on the Island. There are some really nice places."

"We can go look at places soon as Dad is a little better, we'll take a ride and narrow it down with Steven. I am assuming he wants to be involved."

"He is pretty agreeable about it, just that he wants to invite most of his engine company so that might raise the guest list a little bit," Lila replied. "Dad said if it was on the Island it could be a little easier to have a larger wedding."

'Well, Dad would know," Eddie agreed. "Find a few dates that work with you and Steven and Dad and I will come with you to look at venues, okay?" Eddie was glad Lila was including her in this.

Lila gave Eddie a kiss on the cheek, "Tell Dad I love him and to work hard, okay. He promised to be with me when I go down the aisle."

Eddie smiled, "I'll tell him, angel. Be safe, have a good day."

Lila headed for her bus and Eddie finished the oatmeal. She added a hint of brown sugar and some cinnamon then took the oatmeal, orange juice and coffee to Jamie on a tray. He was still sound asleep but it was medication time. Eddie sat on the bed and kissed his face over and over like she did when they were first married and he'd sleep like the dead after a double tour. "Mmm," Jamie groaned. "Morin..." He post sleep speech was still a little warbled.

"Morning, I know you're still tired but you have to eat and take your pills. Roger is going to be here at noon. You ready to work?" Eddie smiled and get up his tray.

Jamie lifted his spoon and started to eat. "Oh this is so good," he beamed as he enjoyed the meal and real coffee. "Yeah, I'm going to work hard on transfers so you don't have to keep getting up. I know that you need sleep too. I'm going to work so hard for you baby, I promise."

Eddie kissed Jamie's forehead, "Eat then we'll get your washed and ready for the day all right? Dad and Erin went out so I'm sure she'll be over to make sure I'm taking care of you."

Jamie laughed, it upset him there was a rivalry between his wife and his sister that only Eddie seemed to see but he found her jealousy cute. "You're taking the best care of me, sweetheart. Did you eat anything? Do you need to lie back down?"

Eddie shook her head, "I'm queasy this morning, I'll eat a little later. I'm a little tired but it's okay. I was so glad to have you home and at my side again. I missed you so much."

Jamie smiled, "I missed you too." Jamie focused his brain on his bad arm the one closest to Eddie. He focused all of his strength and energy and tried to get his arm to obey. He managed to move it from the shoulder about an inch before moaning with exertion.

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