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Creature and language guide-

Lesa que etla- ready to jump

Tre's! -Now!

Falin Moi myelin Crisan Sleh Majeesh Cristian - born from heir's blood is fires ice

Shethal- sword

Treah ahla sea Leure Crisan -Reveal that of true blood

Expent - away

Achind- behind

The Creatures

White-arrow heart: a large pure white deer with massive antlers. Both male and female possess antlers but the females only have small ones. They are very timid creature and will flight away from any suspicious beings or movement.

Dibble: a small forest dwelling race, they are skilled with the bow, and they love to cause mischief. Sharp teeth, long claws, they have pale blue or green skin, with contrasting stripes along their head tentacles and around their waist; they stand about 30cm high. Their cat like eyes can spot their target from miles away, and they light up in the dark. The dibble moves so fast many don't even know they have been robbed until they go looking for what they want, they can cover 100m in just two seconds.

Frezzy monster: cute little puff balls, they come in every colour of the rainbow, they have short antenna, oval feet, short arms and large eyes, they live amongst flowers and brightly coloured bushes, they are a very common species.

Blood hog: a giant black hog, with a row of spikes running the length of its body, it stands 13 hands high. It has huge serrated teeth and 2 pairs of great pointed tusks, agile and keen sensed, they eat meat and will kill you.

Germungi: a man like creature that stands 4 meters tall, it has grey scaly skin, a long ragged fish tail and smells of rotting fish. It can turn itself into a large brown puddle, so it can creep up on its prey without being seen or smelt. It has 3 rows of rotating shark teeth, and has 12 small beady eyes perched on the top of its head. They have limited common speech.

Unicorneion- is a mythical creature which is three quarters unicorn and one quarter human. They rarely interact with other species. They can be any colour but only the royal blood lines are dappled grey or white. They dwell in the western fringes of the old magic wood, they are of purest heart and it is of the highest crime to slay one. There are unicorn masters and riders, a master can control a single Unicorneion as they have bound themselves to that human but a rider is able to ride his/her Unicorneion, a rider must be of equal pure heart to his beast. The human qualities that these creatures possess is telepathy, the gift of speech and their mind works in almost the exact same way a human mind would work. Their horn is always gold which sets them apart from normal unicorns.


Pleat wing- These dragons are one of the smaller species and they are very gentle they very rarely attack a human. They have what appear to be pleats in their wing membrane, which is where they get their name. With delicate, dainty heads and rounded eyes they are usually found in small groups. Their skin is also not scaly but fells like actual velvet, uncharacteristic of dragons so they could be classed as a species of their own in a way.

Four pronged spike tail- This dragon is a wise species and very threatening to many other dragons they are very high in the dragon order. Possessing hypodermic prongs on the end of their tail the number of prongs corresponds to their age, a four pronged is an eight year old dragon and a five pronged is a ten year old and so on, their build is very muscular, and they are very beautiful dragons. They are known as the sheriffs of the dragon world.

Peak- nosed fire tongue- This particular type of dragon is very noble looking with angular features, and peaked nose, arched nostrils, slanted eyes, long flexible spurs extend from the side of their face to their shoulders. They have stripes like fire running the length of their body, with a tail that ends in an actual flame. They are very aggressive, but they are the top of the charts with beauty among the dragon race. Each fire tongue in existence has at least one prong tail supervisor.

Banded Stalic- is a small dragon no bigger than a horse, which lives in caves and hollows in forest regions. They are commonly brown with black bands down their legs and tails, but some do contain red and black strains of colour. They live in herds and generally peaceful species.

Feathered Ridge Back- this is one of the only types of feathered dragon, it has large green feathers, dark on the top and light beneath. They make their homes in the top of the giant pines, and they are the size of a common wolf. They are even tempered but will attack if needed.

The Black Nightmare: This dragon is king of all beasts; men cower before this immense mass of terror, all dragons bow down before him/her. They are pure black in colour, lightning fast, not even the dragon lords can control this creature. Studded with spikes, flowing curves, its skin glows like burning coal when it is aggravated. With the most beauty, strength and wisdom they are the ultimate dragon.

Pigmy dragon- a pigmy dragon is the size of a small owl (sitting 30cm high), so you can carry them and they will snuggle up in your lap. They have small soft clawed feet, silky wings and soft spikes that they can move up or down. They are very loyal and become attached to one person very easily; they make great messengers and keep you warm on cold winter nights.

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