Chapter 12- The Kings suspicions

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Mean while the king had been informed of more strange happenings. Dragons and Pegadrons had been seen swiftly flying to the misty mountains in groups of twos and threes, Elves were stirring in the forests becoming restless, emerging from their hidden cities and flitting through the trees, Dwarves had been spotted travelling to the caves in Copper Canyon, the small plump figures speaking of a meeting of all kin. And arrays of other magical creatures were all travelling to the old enchanted forest. "I don't like what I'm hearing Sean!" bellowed king Kane to the cowering man standing at the bottom of the polished stairs leading to the coal black stone throne which Kane was currently slumped in, screwing his face up in a scowl after the news he had just heard. "We'll continue you blundering idiot, what else has those no good rebels done?" he snarled at Sean spraying saliva everywhere as he spoke, "M-Minotaur's are migrating to the western borders, the Bats tell tidings of movement in the old forest trees, something big has been happing there, and trios of travellers are accumulating at the fringes of the Black Wood" Sean stammered rolling up the piece of parchment he had received from one of the watch patrols.

"What of the spy and messenger I sent to follow Nathaniel?" Kane hissed through gritted teeth, "T- the black mist f-from the messenger's pipe brought telling that Shadow has taken the girl with him back into the forest, a-a-and the prince refuses to come and has disappeared after Shadow" stuttered Sean ducking the candle holder which Kane threw at him. "Ahhck I'm getting sick and tired of that girl getting lose, she is a danger to all of my plans" he burst, "and why hasn't my previous orders to attack the town been carried out" he exploded "the creature will not move my lord it has shut its self-down as if its hibernating, it will not stir and we have to find the girl first, to capture her" Sean replied bracing ready to dodge another object that could possibly be thrown. Kane's face went red and veins popped out of his fore head creating a pattern of snaking lines under his skin, "never mind, I have new orders for you start to prepare my army, take every available man you can and gather our forces something big is going to happen and happen soon I want to be ready".

The king had been watching the forests for quite some time, even through the snow he could see the small pin prick of red and orange light that had been Lanora when she had found herself. The words of the prophecy she had recited on the night in the stable echoed in Kane's mind:

When thy wings are gained

The reign of evil shall be strained,

..... The ancient shrine.... And lords of nine?

This made other words surface in his mind the riddles he had been told directly by the falls that sing of pride and power, dignity and greed.

One that is last but first

Said to be privileged but forever cursed

Thy realise the dungeons deep

Will show the answers that they keep

But will they break the chains of fear

Seen through the crystal tear

Faith must not be betrayed

For kin will come to the aid

The young one will rise

And protect the thing that is the prize

These words rolled uncomfortably around Kane's mind, 'what is my ultimate prize' he questioned him-self, 'what would need to be protected by the young' he thought long and hard about this going through all his memories, he recalled hearing something about a heart and all power. Then it dawned on him what the prize is, it is the heart of the young elfling for whoever possesses an elflings heart is all powerful but it must remain in its source, so Kane will have to somehow imprison her. "We'll I can't get rid of her then" he spoke out loud to himself, throwing yet another knife at the wooden carving of Shadow, it split the head right down the middle the crack passing between the eyes and going down as far as mid torso, Kane let out the most evil chuckle any of his guards had ever heard him make, this worried them. The chuckle worried them because their king was changing he was making rash decisions and talking more and more to himself, describing what it will be like to possess the power of an elfling heart, the destruction he could wreak, the pain he could inflict when he has all the power he has ever wanted.

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