Chapter 11- Sometimes the Sacrifice is too great

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Lanora turned and went down on one knee, whispered "The light that has been given to me, I give to you in hope you shall live" slowly a stream of twisted gold and silver light flowed from her, down behind the cliff. They couldn't see what happened next. The light filled the circle valley like a giant bowl, dancing and writhing like the surface of a lake, then it whirled, whizzed round and round ascending into the sky with every turn until it was just a great big disc in the sky then it burst, light showered down over everything bouncing and sparkling, restoring everything it to its natural glory if not more radiant and beautiful, all plants became lush, full of vigour again the trees gained back lost leave from the black magic, now it was much harder to see the girl upon the cliff top. The forest now sang the birds flitted from branch to branch the air was now clean and easy to breath, the visitors were all turning on the spot looking at all before them. None of them not even Nathaniel had seen such majesty and joy, the green moss glowed and the pixie dust shone gold in the moon light, the stream itself had a luminosity about it. Now the people believed more in the golden magic of old and the potential beauty and freedom for all the land. Messages were sent far and wide of a great gathering in the forest, that shadow was building an army to take on the king. It was heard far and wide that a young warrior and fair maiden who was actually an elfling had come together and were asking anyone who was brave enough to join them in their crusade to over throw the king and heal the scared land.

The sun peaked over the horizon giving the sky a washed blue look and no clouds lounged in the sky that morning. Lanora woke curled up among the flowers which were now as bright and fragrant as ever. Washing in the stream, Lanora was up and about getting things packed into saddle bags, sharpening her arrow heads and testing her bow string. They wondered through the glade joyously smelling the familiar winter tang of the flowers. The grass had come back to a glorious lush green and the moss had regained its spring. Lanora whistled to the birds and they answered happily, yes things were still not back to their full life, the air still had a stale smell and the tress were still not dancing or singing but the evil magic was gone for now. The tunnel was not so dark the glow moths stretched out their wings for her and Phantom as they passed, and the vines were not crunchy but soft again. Lanora had pants and a black tunic on with her midnight blue cloak which had now been fixed of its distinctive hog holes. They came to the familiar ravine which was no longer about to spew the fog out, for the fog was now only just visible down below it was now safe to jump without the risk of coming into contact with the poisonous mist.

Their jump was as easy for them as ever, and the walk to the camp seemed to take no time at all, and when they got their most were still asleep while others were only just getting up and moving about. So Lanora climbed back up on her boulder and sat there until someone noticed she was waiting there, it didn't take very long at all. James's son was first to see her, and when he did he woke his father who sprang up right away, he in turn woke the man next to him and so on until most were awake and looking at the young woman perched on the boulder. Raising to her feet she, spoke to all of them "today is the first day of your training to become fighters, so when you are all ready, we shall leave for the training grounds" then jumped down into her saddle and started off in the direction of the grounds. At first only at a walk but eventually quickened for even Phantom had missed the thrill of running the obstacle course. As always they hit every dummy, struck every target and aced every shot, coming to the centre of the massive clearing Lanora dismounted and just with one thought silver sparkles flowed from her and wooden racks appeared one for each type of weapon swords, daggers, bows, shields, spears, axes, throwing knives and more. When the last few weapons were placed where she wanted them, Lanora mounted up and returned to the camp where all including Nathaniel and the knights were waiting for them. James came forward and asked "where's Shadow isn't he meant to be training us?" Lanora looked down at him with kind eyes "he's gone to deal with something, but I was the one to train you any way" she replied, a rush of murmurs spread throughout the listeners, Lanora ignored this and yelled "follow me" in a voice that they never thought would come from such a small and dainty looking woman.

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