Chapter 14- The Great Gathering

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All the men sparred for days on end. Each getting better and better every day and even shadow was sparring with the best of them. None of the men ever saw Shadow and the elfling together, which seeded suspicion in many of the men. So one afternoon Marseth came up beside Shadow and said "why don't you and Miss Lanora spar and show us some of your fighting styles?" most others who were standing there agreed "yeah, why don't you two fight each other and show us how you so called 'flow through your movements'" said Bane raising his eye brows. "Can't" replied Shadow peering from behind his hood and silvered mask, "why not" asked Bane looking at him sideways, "take a look for yourself she's on the cliff" he explained. "Why is she dancing now usually it's on sunset?" Jim said puzzled, "she's not dancing she's whispering to the wind as all elflings do" corrected Shadow turning his head, and his hair shifting to show his pointed ears and part of his jaw line showed under the rim of the mask.

"You're an elf aren't you?" said Bane pointing to his ears "and you have a rather feminine jaw line too" he continued, "I didn't know you were an elf!" finished James "couldn't you tell from my, build or movement that I was an elf?" questioned Shadow puzzled; "no we didn't know you were a girl either" they continued. "Excuse you I am not a girl!" exploded Shadow and putting his hand to his mouth let out a shrill piercing whistle, the girl on the cliff turned her head, and then disappeared down the other side of the cliff. "I am very much a man thank you and I'm not that girl Lanora either" he continued and whispers passed from man to man " oh yes I've heard the rumours that you think we are the same person but I can assure you we are not!" he continued and put as much fury as he dared into this rant, "well then if you are two different people then why don't you fight one another to show us your expert skills against her skills , which we already know are beyond may knights of the castle" interrupted Jackson a strange individual who had recently arrived. Shadow remained silent. Lanora cast a spell on one of the pixies to become her for the few days that Shadow would be in the camp, but she couldn't speak for her voice was still the same as before. The pixie was named Tinkles and she knew Lanora very well as did all the Pixies and animals so she agreed to this request Lanora asked of her. Fortunately for Tinkles Lanora had taught her the basic fighting style she used so it would not seem suspicious. Soon Tinkles disguised as Lanora came wandering through the trees, weaving through the tall slender trunks as graceful as she could. "You want to see us fight, we'll fight" explained Shadow drawing his sword "Majeesh" and it burst into licking blue flames, "Lanora if you please" he motioned to her. Tinkles nodded her head and drew the sword from its scabbard, it glinted blue in the cold pale light as the sun was now blocked out by vast stretching snow clouds. Very little snow had fallen over the forest, but the wind still blew to chill your bones.

Tinkles lifted the sword up and placed her second hand just below her first as Lanora always did; she dipped her head to signal she was ready. Shadow now said "they wish to see us spar, and show them our fighting techniques" James stood on the outer ring and announced in quite a loud voice "begin!", Shadow was first to move lightly side stepping attempting to flank his opponent, But Tinkles had been trained by Lanora and because Lanora was really Shadow she could read her body language and move accordingly. Also the real Lanora was hinting things to her, so as to make it easier for her to predict the next strike, like tipping her head to the left to show she was about to go right and letting the tip of the sword touch the ground signalling that a swinging turn was about to be executed. Step by step they moved as one, each step synchronised, when one stepped back the other stepped where her foot had been and likewise the other way. They moved, struck and blocked none landed a blow nor received one. Shadow of course was only going easy and making simple movements, which unfortunately many in the crowd picked up. Jim was first to speak up "you guys are amazing in your technique and equality but I can see that Shadow is not going to his full potential", and there were murmurs of agreement throughout the crowd.

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