Chapter 18- The Silence before the Chaos

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Her elven armour was Laid carefully out in front of her, the shining silver metal reflecting her onlooking face back at her. "I guess this is it, the final battle" she stated with despair as she bent down to pick up the chainmail shirt each ring small and closely linked to the next, it was strong yet light. Lanora strapped on the rest of the armour one piece at a time making sure each buckle was done up properly and firm, she slung her beautiful bow and full quiver over her shoulders the very same she had found in that shop with the saddle. She strapped on her blue metal sword and green short sword, her father's sapphire dagger was also put in its place horizontal on her belt the handle sticking out for easy access if she needed it. Lanora was also bristling with several other small throwing knives, two strapped to the inside of her thighs with plated leather, one dagger down the side of each boot, a hook knife was tied to her left shin. Knives lined the inside of her sleeves each neatly tucked into a leather scabbard, paired close combat leaf swords were buckled secure diagonally to her back beneath the quiver, and she had nine other little lethal weapons hidden through her torso and armour. Lanora eventually emerged from her room head held high, stepping with pride and made the final walk to the great meeting hall, the dragons already gathered fell silent as she entered the room.

Lanora slid on her iconic half mask, her cloak draped around her shoulders and over her armour refining her figure. They all beheld the Halfling as one of their own, she looked a spitting image of her respected father before her, and in deed Lanora was a ghost of a forgotten past, his spirit was in her they could all see it. They all bowed as she passed them. Quickly she strode over to her dragon at the back of the hall. She had found her own dragon through her sort stay in the caverns they had connected as soon as they touched and became loyal stead and master. Once she reached the magnificent beast Lanora turned to her watchers "Let us go forth and cleanse the world of this savage beast" she chanted to her court and reached up to the sea blue saddle and swiftly mounted her dragon. Once she was seated in the newly made saddle they moved along the lines of dragons standing to attention, to the enormous arc of the dragon's entrance her dragon had to duck under it to avoid the lip of the arc and once outside they climbed. They climbed the rocks and around the trees to the tip top of the mountain, all the rest of the dragons followed the armoured one and recognised leader. Once they got to the top the immense bulk of dragon let out a mighty roar a bellowing cry that carried for miles, telling of destiny, loss, truth and justice his whole body vibrated with the effort. He spread his mighty wings and took to the sky in a great hurricane of warm air the head of the flock, on their way to the great battle.

Phantom took them to the very edge of the forest where the last tree stood; Nathaniel looked out beyond the cover of the great big tree. The expanse of the plain spread before them, the smell of smoke wafted to their noses, where there were once tangled clumps of defiant Spike Weed was now piles of smouldering ash. The ground had been scorched black, and at the far end of the dusty plain there was a great army of evil things, Demons with indescribable ugliness, black hairless creatures fought one another, giants sharpening their teeth with their battle axes, massive spiders awaited in the shadows and the biggest of them all was a monster so vile so hideous, it was unrecognisable to be the corpse of a long dead dragon who had been brought back to the land of the living by Kane's black magic. This creature had lost the ability to fly, but it had gained other features such as an extra pair of legs so now it had six legs instead of four, it had four heads, all bunched together on one short thick stubble of a neck. Its claws were too big for its feet, its teeth crowded in its mouths from under sized jaws, and the tail was equipped with poison stings. "Oh my god" gasped Jim coming up on his big bay mare, "how are we going to fight that? We have only this small force of men" he asked looking Nathaniel in the eye, "I don't know Jim let us just pray that some help arrives" he stated looking back at the waiting army of the king. Just as he said this from the distance came a great mighty call, a bellow to arms and long overdue revenge. "What was that?!" exclaimed Jim turning toward the mountains the source of the bellow.

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