Chapter 21- Where do I Belong?

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Five days passed and all the dead had been buried and honoured for their bravery, the remaining body of king Kane had been frozen to prevent decay and once Lanora had regained her strength she mounted star stream. He walked alongside the old ice block king and grasped the ice in his strong talons, Lanora gave the order and they shot off into the sky heading straight for Dark Peak Mountain a semi-active volcano. It smoked from time to time but it hadn't erupted in over four hundred years so it was the perfect place to put a villain like Kane to rest for all eternity. They flew swift and silent through the clear blue sky the fields of now greening grass and plants, the trees had started to sing once again, the enchanted races had come out of hiding but the spiders and giants were exiled for their crimes of willingly serving Kane. "Well this is it star, he will finally be gone and leave us in peace" Lanora excitedly said to Star stream who replied "yes my lady but after he is put away what will you do?" "What do you mean exactly?" Lanora questioned him, "will you go back to your hidden glade, come to the dragon den or live in the castle with your prince, or yet again be with your father's people the elves?" he explained, she remained silent. Eventually she spoke after a long pause "I hadn't thought of it, no one outside of the battle field has found out that I'm Shadow so I can possibly continue my masked adventures as him, I could never go to the dragon den it's too big and the dragons can look after themselves, I will most likely continue to visit my glade and the elves as for the castle well I don't even know if I'm suited to the castle life I haven't even been inside the walls yet " her eyes fell to the warm scales of Star streams back " we will find out soon enough" was the last thing that Star stream said to his master before leaving her to her thoughts.

It took exactly two hours to fly in a straight line to reach the mountain, as soon as they reached the top lip Star stream landed on the rocky black rim putting the half melted ice block down and letting Lanora slide down his wing to the ground. "You ready?" asked Star stream "I guess I am it's time to get rid of him forever and bury those memories for good" she answered him placing a hand on his immense shoulder. "Right then" Lanora announced walking forward and pushing with all her superhuman strength and the ice block king slid along the black stone very quickly as it was now melting at a very quick rate. She pushed the kingsicle to the very edge leaving a wet evaporating trail behind, "farewell dark one" Lanora whispered as she pushed him over the edge and watched as the big ice block plummeted to fiery depths. By the time he reached the river of lava below all the ice had steamed away, his body landed in the molten magma with a sizzling plop and was quickly consumed. She stood there a long while peering down at the slowly churning, bubbling liquid until the heat was getting too much to bare, once again mounting Star stream and grasping the spike in front of her they rocketed off into the sky with a deafening whistle which spread through the sky with, a visible tail of cloud and swirling air coming off them. Up, up, up they went into the sky, above the clouds and finally as high as any could ever go without passing out from the lack of oxygen, they looked down on the world from their massive height and Lanora sighed "oh what am I to do?", "I don't know, just listen to your heart and you'll know what to do" answered Star Stream and they flew together for hours, over the sea and fields of grass and forests that stretched for miles. Everywhere she flew the land would start to spring to life from near oblivion, just like the kingdom had started to recover when she spent those few days there. The grass had sprung and leaves sprouted from the bare branches despite the fact that it was winter, everything had laid dormant for so long as soon as it was released all came to glorious life, but of course the parts that had been neglected and mistreated the worst was not so easily swayed. These areas required a little more guidance and care, so Lanora and her followers spent the next two months healing the land and by the third and final month most trace of evil had gone. Except the dark wood of course that had always belonged to the demons and always would but now there was a safe path through so one could travel between towns more safely and frequently.

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