23:I Kept It To Myself

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If you are sensitive to the topic of assault (particularly sexual)skip to the end of the chapter in the authors note I will leave what happened in this particular one.....you've been warned

Kellins pov

I got to the hospital the lady recognized me as soon as she saw me and told me that Mike was checked out today
I say thanks and leave
I pull our my phone and send him;
Kellin- hey I heard you left how are you holding up?

Within seconds I got a reply

Mike- yeah I'm OK I guess.......police are questioning my parents like crazy so it's kinda hectic right now

Kellin-I'm sorry man ,do you think you can get out of there to hang?
Mike- yeah meet me at the park down my street in five minutes

Kellin- ok see you then

I walk down to the park he was talking about and wait for him to show up
About twenty minutes later I see him walk towards me
He has a cast on which I expected
He waves with his free hand and smiles
I walk over and we bro hug and we decide to sit on a bench and chat
" so the police are really digging into the idea of your dad doing this?" I ask . According to Mike , shits really bad at home
Mr. Fuentes is a lot more angry and Mrs. Fuentes has been gone the whole time since he's been out of the hospital
It's just him and mr. Fuentes so far
" yeah I've been getting questions non stop ever since I woke up, I don't know what to say.... Kellin I don't know what to do " he finally admits
" do what I did.... Tell them the truth... Tell them everything....it'll be over eventually " he just sighs.
" Kellin where would I go?" He asks choking a bit
I pause a bit, because I myself aren't even sure......" Anywhere better than this. To be honest I don't really know." I look him dead in the eye.
" I might go to my grandmas " he smiles slightly
" maybe you can convince your grandma to move close to mine." He laughs lightly , resulting in him coughing
I pat his pay until he's good
He sits up and looks to the sky.
" Kellin there's a lot Vic doesn't know..... But he'll find out one day." His phone rings and he gets up.
" I gotta go I'll catch you later okay?" He says already slowly walking off
" alright see you later"

I walk in and there is two men in uniform sitting at our dinning room table speaking with ...him.
" Michael you made it please take a seat." One of the officers says
I do as I'm told and scoot my chair as far as possible from the person I call " dad"
Officer 1 looks at me and speaks
" ok so you have been questioned earlier about the events and about what happened to you that put you in a hospital so far you've said that it was a bully. How ever your story doesn't check out. You arrived at the hospital at 8:47 pm on Friday the ....17 and we questioned friends and family about his whereabouts. They have video proof of where he was that night. Michael what really happened?" They ask.i can feel their stare burning a hole into my skull.( eyyyy that rhymed )
" can I have a minute......alone...." I ask finally looking up
They nod and everyone leaves.
I take up the opportunity to leave. I see a window. I see some car keys. I see a way out of this mess. I get up and walk towards the window to see how far of a drop I have and see it's not too bad. I grab the keys and hop out landing funny on my arm.(making it hurt like a bitch now)  and hop into the car and drive.
Now I am not a professional but I'm also. Not. Twelve
So I eventually get the hang of it and call Kellin while I'm driving (we got a badass over here) a ring later and he picks up" hey what's up" he answers happily
"Hey man where are you?" I pause waiting for a response
" at my grandmas why?"
" oh sweet you wanna hang out?"
" totally I was actually about to ask if you wanted to spend the night over here if you're cool with it"
" I'd like that I'll see you there wait I need directions " he gives me the directions I need , I hang up and drive until I get there
" you took forever " he says dragging me inside
" did not " I say in my defense
" whatever you're a slow poke get over it" he jokes
" well uh.....I got nothing" I admit and laugh a little
We hang out and watch tv and music videos until it gets pretty late and Kellin offers his room since he's over here so much but I refuse and just sleep on the couch
That is when my night get intense
(Dream/flashback btw)
It was getting very late and Vic was at a friends house and mom was at grandmas
She trusted him enough to watch over me while she takes a break
As soon as she left he opened the bottle
About two hours later I was playing with a toy and I could smell the stench of alcohol in the air
It disgusts me
It was very quiet without Vic here
It was just me and him.
I was in my room and I heard foot steps down the stairs
He might've tripped I don't care I hope he did
I felt a great sense of fear wash over me like it had so many times before
I heard him call out my name slurring every letter
I see my handle turn and swing open revealing and a very drunk human being
He starts walking towards me and grabs me by my shirt and throws my body onto my bed. I can't move I try screaming by the sound is coming out
That's when it all happened
It hurt so much
I couldn't move
I couldn't scream
I couldn't breathe
I finally realized what just happened
I looked at myself in the mirror
I saw the seven year old me
But then I looked down at myself and saw all my tattoos
I was me
I'm the person I didn't want to be anywhere near right now
I started crying hysterically
I couldn't stop
I got my wish
I wasn't me
I can't stop this
I got louder
And louder
Until I felt like I was being shook
Like violently
I saw I was being shook by him
But I opened my eyes and it was just Kellin
I was screaming and Kellin was just telling me it's ok
I am not okay
I don't think I can handle myself
" mike it's ok breathe with me" he says .
He starts breathing in and out slowly
I do exactly what he does and calm down a bit
" mike it's just a dream" I tells me but for some reason I blurt out
" but it wasn't" I instantly covered my mouth
He looks at me like " what do you mean?"
I start panicking " nothing"
" mike. You can trust me."
I sit for a second.i haven't told anyone.
Not even Vic
I start breaking down all over again and Kellin just sits and rubs my back
I have such a great friend
" do you wanna go outside?" He asks
I nod. Some air would be nice
We climb to the roof and I spill my heart out. I tell Kellin everything

so pretty much mike has a nightmare/memory while at Kellins grandmas house and I am pretty sure you guys can piece together what happened to mike when he was seven
I am dying
I literally debated at least theory times on wether to delete this chapter
I hate myself so much right now
I am not even kidding
I am sorry if this chapter offends anyone
Remember it's fiction
It's not real
None of this is real
So please
Love yourself
Love fanfics
Love water
It's good for you (btw song :👉👉👉by:Sleeping with sirens)

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