15: all i got for you is self hate

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(I know a change in POV for once0-0)
" so Alex ever played grand theft auto?" I walk into Alex's basement with my copy of gta5 and casually sit on the couch as if I own the place.
Alex invited me over after school to hang out.
I know I'm a manipulative asshole
But that's what I do best
" I haven't bought it yet but did you bring yours?" He asks me while setting up the ps4 ." Right here." I toss it at him and he catches it. Fast reflexes he didn't even look back at me to catch it. He puts the disk in and I show him the ropes of this gta . It's a little different than the previous ones but I'm pretty sure he'll figure it out eventually.

Five fucking hours later with this moron and he still won't shut up about his life. Yeah I get it it's fuck fabulous and the world should be jealous. Without even realizing it i blurt out" do you ever shut your fucking mouth?" He just looks at me with this smug look on his face." Do you ever shut yours?" Then he burst out laughing." I know right." I my fuck I think my heart stopped. We sat there and laughed for a good three minutes well he laughed I was busy trying believe how I just go away with that." So Mike you seem pretty cool... You should ditch whatever plans you had this weekend and go to this party at Jack fowlers. It's gonna be hot." He hands me a piece of paper with the parties address and a picture of a pool and fireworks. Lame. So freaking lame. " well I was going to go to this other party but since you're a pretty cool guy I'll see if I can shift a few things around" I had absolutely nothing planned this weekend besides sleeping.the smile on his face. Priceless .
My phone rings and its mom it's time for me to go." Listen Alex I get going it's been great but I'll see you later." He frowns just a little to enthusiastically . There's no way he isn't gay. He probably sways his hips when he walks." Ok  I'll see you Saturday at jacks" he leads me out and I go home. Fuck I forgot my game! I'll steal it back from him. There's no way he's keeping it.
Saturday is going to be interesting

-time skip to Saturday because imma lazy bitch-
" Mike ! Glad to see ya" alex says before throwing me into a bro hug. I hug back so he doesn't suspect anything. " so I came a little late did I miss anything?" You have to be casual." Just everyone getting trashed I was being a pal and waiting until you got here" oh how nice." Well I'm here. So what are we waiting for? Let's party!" We walk over and he grabs two shots and hands me one. He instantly downs it I throw it over my shoulder . I cannot get trashed tonight I'm doing spy crap.
Six shots thrown over my shoulder later and Alex is just drinking out of the bottle now. He's trashed.
He finally stumbles to a hallway with me and looks at me and pulls me towards him." You know Mike you look great tonight." His breath smells of rum. " uh.... Alex what are you doing?" This dude has to be 50 shades of fucked up." Just allow it...Mike I know you want me. I can see it . I can hear it in the way you talk to me. Mike you want me just as bad as I want you." He pushes me against the wall."hey Alex you need to back up" I push him and he stays put. Wow football pays off." Ok Alex seriously not funny get of-" he crashed his lips against mine. I try pushing again still he's too strong. I felt his weight leave me and I open my eyes to see. Oh thank god it's Jack Barakat. " Alex you liar!" Why is he a liar?" Babe it's not what it looks like!" Alex yells back.
Jack spits on him.
Alex watched Jack ran away with tears in his eyes.
" this is all your fault Mike!" Alex turns towards me eyes full of rage." I should've never invited you!" I look at him in shock." How is this my fault?! You're the one who just kissed me!" I yell in my defense." You ruined mine and jacks relationship you ruined this party and you ruined this friendship!" I don't know what I did but okay..." Fuck you Alex" bad move . The next thing i felt was the blunt sting of a fist on my face.

Authors note!!!
So yeah this is going down I smell a court trial coming on.......
-nervous laughing- ok no..... Well then on other news I hope Vic's ok..... I don't know if all of you have heard about vic but I really hope he's okay people just need to stop getting their panties in a twist and stressing out the band. Thanks
Play music
Read fan-fiction
Just live like crazy.
Listen to palisades they be amazin'
Btw I never proof read so....

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