18: I should be paid for this

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Kellins POV
It's not bad to fall for your friend right?
I mean me and vic never even kissed
It's not cheating right?
He did leave
He did just give up
He didn't even so goodbye to me in person
I push open the door and walk up to his room finding him watching tv
Please don't be the news
Please don't be the news
" Kellin they're talking about you in the news "
" you're probably hearing the story Right now" I tell him
" eh it's not really news to me I mean I was there " he says
Yeah I guess it isn't news to him
" I wonder who knew about the note.... How mad is Oliver at you?"
I ask kinda curious
" don't worry about it" he brushes off the topic
" oakly doakly neighborino" to much Simpsons
" Kellin you're staring" he says
Oh fuck I am.....
" I was looking at those tacky ass shoes! marshals? " I say trying to make this look innocent
" for your information i got these fir cheap during a sale" he does a hair flip thing
" God"
" Gawd"
" gaawwddd"
Imma diva

He hung out for about two more hours until I have to go I missed five calls from my mom
I saw my good byes and I  am off to the races

Ashley's pov

Kellin left about ten minutes ago and I received a text from alex
Alex: it was you wasn't it
Me: I don't know what you're talking about
Alex: sure, the news ? The letter vic left
Me: oh that silly thing yeah duh of coarse it was me if they rule the Fuentes case as a runaway  they'll stop looking and hello!!!less chance of him coming back ! Duh
Alex: smart did you hear about his brother?
Me: yeah it was on the news today they said he finally woke up .... Big deal. They say it just fuels the possibility of runaway more. Was that you because I heard that it got nasty on Saturday between you two
Alex: there might have been fighting but I didn't do that.... I may have roughed him up a bit but he could still walk besides he was brought in on Sunday night so it couldn't of been me
Me: why was Jack pissy?
A: that was mikes fault he was coming onto me and jack walked in and got the wrong idea
M: he'll get over it  what are you going to do if Mike says you're the reason he's in the hospital?
A-that won't happen because I didn't see him on Sunday
M:so? You still left marks on him even if there is more you still did something
A: shit up I know what I'm doing
Me: do you?
No response
I'm an ass

Mike POV
( poor baby 😰 I'm gonna go back a few hours for him btw)
I open my eyes and the first thing I see is a very bright light
It hurts
My eyes
My head
My everything
I try to lift my arm because it doesn't feel right and instantly regret it
Pain shoots up from my wrist to my shoulder
" f-fuck.." The word just stumbled out.
" oh my god sweetie don't move its going to be okay." I know that voice from anywhere
" mom?" She nods quickly
" what's going on?" Im so lost right now
" you're in the hospital something happened...... Who did this to you?" She starts crying
" uh ....... I can't think right now... My head it's- " I can't even comprehend talking right now.
It was technically a mix
First Alex , but I could still function
Then, he came home. And. I can't really remember what happened after that. Did he hurt vic this bad too? The thought makes my chest hurt
" momma theres something you need to know....." I don't think I can do this. I try to swallow that lump and talk but it just gets bigger
" it's okay" she holds my hand and rubs her thumb across my knuckles ." Just tell me.... You're safe here."
Sometimes it just takes a few words to really fuck with your emotions
I feel a tear fall
" so..... Um d-dad has been ....... He hit me and h-he hi-hit vic too..... He put me here.....it was his fault I'm here ...... Whenever you left t-that's what he would do ... Ever s-since that n-ight vic came out.... It's been non stop..." I can't hold anything back anymore
I feel terrible 15 and crying my eyes out in front of my mom.
I stop instantly as soon as I hear the door creak open.
It's him
I hate him
" oh son who did this?" He acts as if he doesn't know
" don't come near me." I make sure venom drips off every word I say
" I know. I know everything. How could you?!?" My mom starts.
" what do you mean?" He asks looking hurt
" you know why Mike is in here and why vic isn't home!" She slaps him and just puts the most offended look on his face
" I promise I didn't do anything it was a bully from school. He is lying"
Oh my god ficking leave
" I'm not lying im telling the tru-" oh god. My heart ... It's. I can't breathe.my chest feels like it's imploding in on itself
My heart monitor is going crazy
I hear beeping
Two nurses rush in
One holds me down while I try to fight
One injects something into my IV
I feel calm
Sleepy almost
I feel light as a feather
My vision blurs
And everything goes dark
And I fade away

Don't hate me because I love you
But sorry... Drama
Oh my god I hate myself for this entire thing just saying
I say that and I'm over here planning a sequel
Stay strong. Live on - |-/

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