5: 2 can keep a secret.....

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I feel all eroded after this morning, the thought of me and Kellin breaking up even if it is fake it can't handle the feeling inside . It's killing me, and mike can tell that something is eating me alive. "What's wrong vic something happened last night and I am gonna find out." Mike says as he sits down next to me." Nothing just dad yelled at me and sent me to bed ya know typical junk." I tell him really hoping he doesn't pry at me." Well.... Then how was your morning?" Uh do I tell him? Yeah." Mike it's really important that you keep this quiet...... Me and Kellin are pretending to break up. We're doing it because dad doesn't like it. But I have a idea , after us dating underground for a little bit maybe around Christmas will be like three months from here and reveal to him that you can be happy even if you date the same gender." I see if he can handle this dirt by looking at his facial expression." Yeah I'm on board I love keeping secrets from dad. There's a lot of shit he doesn't know that I do. Example, dad doesn't know I smoke , if he did he would freak out." I laugh a little wondering what else mike doesn't tell him. " ya know mike you scratch my back and I will scratch yours. From this day if neither mom not dad find out about Kellin or the cutting I will completely "forget" and never bring up anything you did in the past that would get you in trouble now. And to make more even ill back you up once. Just once ! If you end up in a situation where they find something I will completely help you. Deal?" I look at him very seriously." Deal." He looks at me and smiles. " ok so tonight at dinner I will talk about today's gossip and I will bring how Kellin was "kissing" this girl right behind your back , that will cause the perfect reason to breakup and dad will completely buy all of it." He says." Actually that's not a bad idea." I tell him." Alright it's a plan."
Sorry that this chapter was kinda short I kinda did that so I could get to the BIG part and fill you guys in ok and sorry that I'm sooo shitty at this I apologize .-omzombz

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