20: i still cant believe how you look next to me

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Vics POV

This is bad
This is very very very bad
I can't believe this is happening
Alex knows I'm here
I am not a coward
I step out of my room the the living room and see jaime knocked out on the floor, the door broken, and a pissed looking Alex gaskarth.
" you." He points at me. His arm looks bruised
" I said get rid of yourself. Not make me a prime suspect in your brothers case. God why are you so difficult?!" He starts yelling
" well maybe you wouldn't be a suspect if you weren't an ass.just a tip." I start walking towards him.
" what are you going to do? Tell the cops? I'll just go back and be a bother in your life."
He thinks about this for a second , but says" no I didn't come here to call the cops like a coward. I came here to kick your ass to make sure you get it through your thick skull that you need to disappear ." He steps closer but jaime grabs his foot and makes him trip .
Causing him to hit his head
On the table
And start bleeding
These literally a puddle
I freak the fuck out
Jaime instantly elevates his head.
Alex closed his eyes
I think he has a concussion
We tried getting him to respond but he wouldn't wake up
Jaime checked his pulse
There's a slight beat
I immediately call 911
" 911 what's your emergency ?"
" my friend fell and hit his head on the corner of a table and he's not waking up he still has a pulse but he won't wake up!" I am completely losing my shit right now
" ok sir state your location help will be on the way but just listen to me, elevate his head try to stop the bleeding and don't let him fall asleep. That last bit is very important try waking him up with out shaking or force."
I quickly give her the address and she talks to me for a minute
The ambulance finally arrives and they pick up alex but one of them notices me
" hey are you his friend?"
He asks
" uh yeah...?" I don't know what to call this
" rude in the vehicle you too sir." He points at jaime and we follow them into the ambulance.
The one guy whispers something into his friends ear.
" is your name Victor by any chance?" The one with bright red hair asks.
" uh no....why?" Damn another lie
" just nothing.you look exactly like this missing kid.the television said it was a runaway.at least I think it is. With that whole thing they said was happening to the kid at school." He kinda turns to his buddy and starts talking to him." Yeah I heard that like his dad or whatever beat on him." They start as if we aren't even there
" wasn't he with the uh..what's his name Kyle? Yeah Kyle sounds right."
My face must look so dun(0~0)
" his name was Kellin ." I finally speak up
Sorry but no one disrespects the name
I know my name fool
" oh ok." The dark haired one says

We sat in silence

We finally get to the hospital and alex is wheeled in

Twenty minutes later the doctor comes out and asks what happened
We told him he was going to hurt me and tripped and hit his head
He told us he was in a coma
From the looks irreversible
He's practically brain dead
He asks for our names but someone needed help down the hall so we had a chance to leave
Cameras everywhere
We're so fucked
Me and jaime decide it's not safe to go back to his place
We check into a hotel
But then it got very quiet very fast
" vic.....I killed him" he finally spoke up to break the silence
" it was an accident" I say trying to calm him down
" it was on purpose ........ Vic..... Are you going to go back ?" He's  stumbling over his words
" I can't really....... Me and you are all over those cameras but I can't be here either....... If Alex doesn't wake up we're wanted for manslaughter... We put him into a coma...that's already assault ...... Let's talk about this in the morning." I say laying down closing my eyes and ignoring any protests he might have against it

" Kellin! Wait!" I hear my mother telling for me as I try to leave.
" he's changed! Kellin he won't do it again!" I turn around to face her.covered with a blanket.
" that's what he said the last four times.pick.me or him!" I can't do this again.
" that's unf-"
" me or him....make your choice."
She remains silent
That's all I need to hear
" I see how it is.......a asshole over your own son.......wow after all this time....don't call me, don't text me, don't contact me in any way, and don't look for me." I say bitterly as I walk out the door.
I don't know where I'm going
I don't know what time it is
I don't have any money
So I go with the best option. Ashley
I walk in because I know it's just him there but I hear mumbling. I'm most so I look to find out where it coming from
" ok so alex is in a coma on his death bed pretty much....fuck......well Vic gonna come back......he's not going to get back to San Diego now is he?!......no you listen Jack  ok I had vic fucking horrified of being here so he left all according to plan but now his bully is dead! What do you think that means?!?!...... I'm waiting for an answer........ -sigh- take.care.of.it.now. I don't care if you're sad I don't care if you're butt hurt because your fick buddy's gone.. You knew what you guys were getting into! Vic leaves. I get kellin. Simple!"
I didn't hear the rest because I walked out
thank you for those people that gave this a chance
It may not be like 10 k reads but I don't care I love you like twenty or so people :) I really love you guys

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