17: im the drummer i dont get paid to understand any of this

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Vics pov
Jaime bought a bass
He's uh.... Getting there.... Ok he's never played bass before
Jaime been trying to play bass when I play guitar.we sound not bad really. He's had it for about a week now. He plays a few notes that's he's learned and puts them together really well I can only imagine in a few years.
He walks in with his new black bass he wants to decorate it but he is kinda lazy.
" vic I figured out some new notes" he plays a small tune which sounded kinda good
" ya know for playing for about a week you know a lot it's like you're born for this." I tel him receiving a huge smile.
" really thanks vic " awww he's so happy
" no problem I Ju-" I was interrupted by Jaime's phone ringing.the look on his face reads suspicious ." Sorry vic, hello ?"pause
" yes this is him."
" oh ... I'm sorry to hear that I'll be down there soon..."
" is he okay?"
"ICU???? What happened?!"
"He's still out...." I see his eyebrows crease on worry
" thank you am I allowed into his room?"
" ok I'll be there."
He hangs up and looks at me with pity and worry. I ficking hate that look
" so uh you okay?" I ask quietly.could this lump in my throat get any bigger?
" I will be but.... Uh.....you won't be feeling okay..... Mikes in the hospital .... He was dropped off in front of it two hours ago ... He was from the looks of it beaten." I kept stuttering and looking away.
I can't breathe
I forgot how to
I can't blink
My eyes won't let me
My mind won't stop putting images in my head
I want to say something
But I can't
I won't
Mikes in the ICU
I know exactly who did it
And it's all my fault

Kellins POV
Bet you all hate me :)and by all I mean the dramatic number of 0 people who read this I love you imaginary people
Some families eat dinner at a table
Some eat it in their own rooms
Some even eat it at different times
Me and my mom eat dinner in front of the tv
Tonight we're watching the news because my mom is curious to what's going in on the world
" breaking news tonight on the missing not story. Information has been leaked by a student that 17 year old Victor Fuentes left a note in his locker addressed to a classmate Kellin Quinn to find. The note stated apparently that he left for the safety of the student authorities are looking for the student now." Oh fuck." Kellin quinn bostwick . You knew something about this? And you didn't tell the authorities ?! Young man do you know how much heart ache you put his family through convinced that their son is missing and you knew he ran away! Kellin how do you know thus boy? And what did that note say exactly?" My mother begins the lecture.
" mom I don't want to talk about this.... Not now."
I attempt to push away the topic."no we have to talk the police are coming to our house to get you! Kellin that is not okay they will squeeze you for info anyways. So you might as well start talking." She folds her arms and gets comfy on the couch. She's not leaving." You're right I'm already gonna get questioned by the cops... Can I Ju-" I was cut short by the sound of a knock at our door." If Kellin Quinn is in there he needs to step out this is the San Diego police department come out now or we come in with force." I hear through a mega phone." I got it... At least they knock...." I stand up and face the music.

Three hours in a interrogation room later and the detective is starting to get frustrated. I haven't said anything because I don't know much.
" listen Kellin we can do this all night. Or you can tell me what's going on."
I places his hands on the table as if that's threatening.
" depends on what you want to know exactly." I say cooly
"Dammit you aren't leaving until you say what happened."
Be pissy see if I care
" what exactly do you want to know??!??!?"
For the millionth time
" did Victor have a motive to leave?"
He finally asks
" see that's a question! Oh my god finally there is a lord! Okay so everyday Vics locker would be covered in sharpie, with insults written all over, even the inside, there was one time with the glitter glue , his locker said  " kill yourself " for two weeks strait because we couldn't scrub it off, we told the teachers, we told janitors, we told the principal !!! No one cared. No one did anything to stop it. We was constantly getting beat up at school. He couldn't walk down the hall with out getting called a name or something thrown at him. He was.........getting....abused at home........... His dad............ He took away Vics phone you know grounded him I asked why and he said his dad didn't approve of uh... How do I put this.... His preference for males. Vic is gay. In fact we were kinda dating. I'm not sure we didn't see much of each other for about three weeks maybe in a class or two. But other Than that I never saw him. We couldn't talk at school because this kid would bother the both of us to the point where we couldn't even hear each other talking. At lunch kids would throw stuff at us until we sat apart. Outside of school was worst because no adults anywhere. ....."
I start rambling and mumbling to the point he can't really understand.
" wait go back did you say Victor was abused at home?" He asked finally interested
" fuck did I...,...uh yeah. Im pretty sure his dad was to blame. Um his mom started staying at her parents house because his parents would fight. So it'd just be vic home most of the time he wasn't allowed to leave the house unless for school and his brother was gone at friends usually." Am I really doing any good telling him?
" Kellin. You can't lie during this. We asked his father where his sonight be and he showed deep concern I don't believe a man like that would hurt his own son. But Kellin recently victors brother ended up in the ICU . Due to a broken upper rib " he looks down at paper." A fractured arm and multiple bruises a bloody eye and finally a ruptured spleen he was out for 14 hours after surgery . He was just i quote" dumped " off onto the front parking lot with these injuries. Any idea how it happened?" He asks tapping his fingers
" why should I say because you won't believe me." Im not giving any guesses to someone who will shit them down.
" well Kellin technically the interrogation booth closes in ten minutes you can stay the night or, say something. Your call." He takes a sip of coffee.
" I think it was Alex gaskarth. And mr.fuentes is a guilty fuck. That's all I know I'm leaving now you can't hold me here by law don't ficking talk to me like a child that can't even sit up yet. I'm not a criminal. You have no charges against me so I'm leaving. Right. Now." I shout loud enough for the people behind the " mirror "to hear. I hear a buzzing and walk out of the building and go strait to Ashley's house. I'm not going home just to get lectured again. I'd rather go to my friends house.
Who I might be falling for

This is a mess. How am I getting to write myself out of this...... Oh well
Eat spaghetti
Don't be a fool wrap your tool
And always
" stay happy not crappy life's a bitch so don't quit "
Johnnie Guillbert
Lol nighty night

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