Hell No

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You should watch this anime.^ It is approved by Dan.

Joe swerved right so hard, as if his life depended on it. Everything seemed to be on slow motion and things flying in the air from the impact. Everything went black for a second. He could hear Caspar screaming.

After gaining consciousness, he began to open his eyes squinting at the light. Joe felt something wet on his on the side of his face. It was red. His eyes widen and looked over to Caspar horrified.

Minutes earlier...
"Hey guys the pizza is here!" Zoe carried the boxes into the living room, where Alfie, Caspar, Marcus, Oli, and Josh were.

As soon as Caspar heard the words "pizza" his head perked up and ran towards her, "Gimme gimme gimME!"

"Heeey! That pizza is for everybody," Marcus says, while taking a slice out of the box.

Everybody started eating the pizza and continued watching the movie, Marvel's Avengers Age of Ultron. Joe and Caspar decided to have one last hang out at their apartment before they move out. So, they invited anybody who was free at the time. The movie was just ending as soon as Joe walked up the stairs leading to the main floor. He was in the bathroom.

He looked over and saw one slice of pizza left. He turned right quickly running to the pizza. Caspar at the time was walking back to his seat from the kitchen and saw Joe running to the pizza. They both dive for it and Caspar screaming, "NOOO, THIS MINE BITCH"

Unfortunately, their friends were in between them and the pizza. Phones and empty cups went flying in the air. Joe bumped his head really hard into Caspar and his vision went black for a bit. Somehow Caspar was fine. His vision came back and he rubbed the spot where they bonked heads. There was something red smeared on his forehead.

It was tomato sauce from the pizza. He looked over to Caspar who was happily eating. The. Last. Pizza. Slice.

"You guys do know there was another box of pizza left, right?" Josh points to the dinning table. And there indeed was another box.

A/N: lolz I'm such a troll :) I was inspired to do this because one day I looked out my window and thought, "I'm hungry I want pizza"

May the odds be ever in your favour, byyye

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