My Best Friend's Best Friend

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A/N: ^^^Luke is the blonde one and Michael is the multi hair one. Anybody else Muke AF?

"He's so adorable and kind, Joe," Luke gushes over a guy in his class, "Does my hair look fine?"

"You look fine Luke. Stop fussing over one strand of hair," Joe was helping his friend get ready because Luke's crush was coming over.

The doorbell rung and he went downstairs to open it revealing 2 guys, "Hi Mikey! Who's this?"

"Hi, this is my friend Caspar. Is it ok that he comes in too?" Michael introduces, Caspar waving hi in the background.

"Sure, I have a friend over too. Maybe they'll get along," Luke laughs, standing to the side letting them in.

Joe was started to get impatient and walked downstairs. When he saw Caspar, Joe was full on heart eyes.

"H-Hi I'm Joe," he smiles.

Caspar immediately smiled back, shaking hands with him, "Hey, I'm Caspar"

They were so distracted in each other, that Luke and Michael had to smack the back of their head to snap them out of it, "Ow what was that for?"

"Well you 2 were standing there staring at each other for almost a minute," Michael says, crossing his arms.

Caspar and Joe started blushing, "Whatever, so what are we gonna do?"

"I dunno, movie maybe?" Luke suggested.

"Ok," The three said in unison.

"Creepy," He said picking out a movie from the pile.

Joe groaned, "Mate, seriously? Mean Girls?"

He just rolled his eyes and put it in. Joe turned off the lights and sat down. Michael and Luke snuggled up together. So Joe and Caspar shared the other half of the couch. They were both pretty happy about that.

Halfway through the movie Muke, the name that Joe and Caspar made up for the two, fell asleep in each other's arm. The two already have watched the movie before so they talked about everybody and everything.

"So um you have a girlfriend?" Caspar asked, bitting his bottom lip nervously.

Joe shook his head, "Girls aren't my type"

He was confused for a moment then realize what he meant, "Oh, well same here. Except I like both"

"Do you know who would make a better couple then those two?" Caspar asked leaning in 2 inches separating their faces, confidence shooting through him.

"No," He replied looking at his lips then back up.

They sat there for a moment staring into each other's eyes. Blue against blue (some people say it's green but I think it's blue). Then they both crashed their lips together moving in sync.

"You and me"

A/N: I'M SOOO SORRY THIS IS LATE. I was gonna post a chapter earlier this week, but I left my phone at home when I went to Washington D.C and NY. Again, I'm really sorry


P.s does anybody else watch Johnnie Guilbert or MDE? And my favourite outro.

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