Romeo and Jack

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A/N: *Heartbreak Girl plays* I DEDICATE THIS CHAPTER TO YOU THE ONE WHO GAVE ME THIS IDEA. Anna, the other owner to the account, gave me this idea for the one shot.

"Did my heart love 'till now? Forswear it, sight! I ne'er saw true beauty 'till this night," Caspar projected his voice out into the auditorium, giving the audition all he got. He was auditioning for the play Romeo & Juliet but the school wanted something more modern theme.

So now it's Romeo & Jack.

Mrs. Jackson clapped, "Oh, that was beautiful. Bravo Bravo!"

"Thank you," He got off the stage and went to get his stuff. As Caspar walks out the doors, someone's shoulder bumped into his.

"Sorry," The other boy turned his head a bit, Caspar catching a glimpse of his face, and the brunette boy hurried off into the auditorium.

The Next Day Caspar's POV...
I basically woke up a hour earlier than I usually did. I have to- no, I NEED to know if I got Romeo's part or not.

"Woah, slow down there Caspar. You're gonna choke on the pancakes," Theodora slides the plate away from me.

I manage to get one last pancake before she slid the plate away, "Heyyyy, gib dem bvack," I mumble with a mouthful of pancakes.


"Ugh, I'm gonna be late. I'll just make pancakes after school," I swallow it and stand up, grabbing my backpack.


I waved bye to Theo after she dropped me off. Theodora is my older sister, she's 3 years older and graduated already. I walk into the school and was already greeted by my friend, Barry Allen.

"Hi Barry," I walk up to him as we head to our lockers, which was next to each other.

"Hey Caspar. Dude duDE DUDE, have you seen the list yet?" He asks. Barry is super hyper, always tapping his foot, bouncing his leg and/or acting like he ate a bag full of candy. Sometimes I wonder if he's actually is The Flash...

"No, but I need to know or I'm gonna die!" I say exaggerating.

He rolls his eyes laughing, "You're so dramatic"

"I'll take that as a compliment," I laugh, dialling the the combination for my locker.


"Ok-," I look over from where he was standing and he was gone. Barry literally runs in a Flash. Sometimes he would leave skid marks when he stops running so fast.

I shake my head and start walking to homeroom.


I practically shoved everyone in the hall trying to get to the list. The list was posted in 4th Hour but I didn't know she put them up early. So I didn't find out until now, which was the last hour of the day. As I approach the list I saw the same guy who bumped into me looking at the list as well.

I walk over and saw his face he had gorgeous eyes and his hair perfectly made into a quiff. I looked over and saw his finger slid down the Theatre Crew list until he stopped at Joe Sugg. Even his name is cute!

...Is that possible?

Then I remembered why I was here in the first place. I look down at the Cast list and saw Louis Tomlinson's name next to Jack. At that moment I then saw my name... nEXT TO ROMEO. I fist pump the air and he glances over at the Cast list.

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