Christmas Holiday

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It was 20 days before Christmas in the Jaspar household...

"Caspaaaaar, help me!" Joe yelled from upstairs.

Caspar trudged up the stairs, "Whyyy?"

Joe was putting up Christmas decorations, while Casp was taking a nap, "Please?"

Caspar groaned and walked over to the brunette, only agreeing 'cause of how adorable Joe's puppy face looked like, getting ornaments and the star. An hour later of decorating, they finally finished the tree and putting the decoration all around the house. Joe suggested watching a Christmas movie, The Grinch Who Stole Christmas.

During the movie they were throwing popcorn at each other and trying to block each other's view from the movie. The two were barely watching the film and were more focused on each other.

They finally settled down and watched the movie, Caspar couldn't help but notice how lucky he was to have Joe. As a roommate, he didn't only want to be his roommate. He wanted to be Joe's roommate and boyfriend. Caspar liked him for a really long time and when he was "napping" he was really reading Jaspar fan-fics.

The truth is, they both liked each other for a very long time, they were just to scared of rejection. Plus, Joe thought Caspar was straight because of his ex-girlfriend, Gaby.

The movie finally ended and they realize that they were practically snuggling on the couch. Joe turned and was staring back at Caspar's crystal blue eyes.

Before Joe could do or say anything Caspar leaned in and kissed him on the lips. He was surprised that he had done that but of course kissed back.

Caspar pulled back and gave Joe a smile, looking up. He looked up at what the taller boy was looking at, Caspar was holding a mistletoe above the two.

"You cheeky bastard," Joe laughed.

They leaned in again he could feel Caspar smiling against his lips, "I've been waiting so long for this"

"Me too"

"I love you"

"I love you too, Caspy"

A/N: HELLOOOOOOOOO! I got really bored so I decided to make a chapter.

Who else has the last day of school soon?

In the summer I'll probably update more since I won't be doing anything, so yay!

I hope you liked today's one-shot, so until next time

May the odds be ever in your favor

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