Chapter 17

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Bianca's POV:

I unlocked my phone and clicked on Chris' name, smiling when I saw that he had sent me a picture. I flipped my sunglasses up onto my head and held my phone closer to my face as the picture loaded. Chris' face suddenly appeared on the screen, his lips parted in a big, cheeky grin as he held up the now empty carton of Ben and Jerry's from last night next to his face. I couldn't help but laugh, he had finished the whole thing to himself.

And here I was thinking that you were going to invite me over like a gentleman to help you finish it! Is ice-cream even allowed in the Cap diet?

I typed a quick message in reply and smiled as I hit send, moving out of the restaurant car park and driving towards home. I couldn't seem to get Chris off my mind as I drove through the Saturday afternoon traffic, I had had such a great time with him last night and it suddenly dawned on me how badly I couldn't wait to see him again. He was starting to appear in my every thought and I found myself wondering what he was doing, what he was thinking about and if he was thinking about me.

I shook my head and tried to collect my thoughts as I pulled up to my house, Chris was sending me into a spin - and we'd only been on one date. I was so attracted to him, and I could tell that he felt the same - that much I was certain about. There was just something about him that made my insides melt and my heart race, something that made me smile uncontrollably whenever I thought about him.

I felt a shiver run through my body as I opened the front door, remembering the way Chris' mouth had felt against my own, with his hands tight on my waist and his big blue eyes looking down at me. My phone beeped in my bag and my heart skipped knowing that it was him, and I smiled as it occurred to me just how badly I wanted to see him again, and just how badly I wanted to kiss him again.

Chris' POV:

I laughed when I read Bianca's message, she was so god damn sweet. Ever since she'd gotten out of the car last night I'd been unable to stop thinking about her. Her sparkling green eyes and her gorgeous smile seemed to be burnt into my brain, and I just couldn't stop thinking about her. She'd looked so unbelievably sexy in her tight red dress, and even more so when she was standing completely drenched after I had dropped her into the pool.

Even with her hair dripping and her clothes soaking wet Bianca had still managed to look every bit as gorgeous, and after I had kissed her, it had taken every single ounce of my energy to not take her there and then in the pool. If she had said yes to staying the night at my house I knew I wouldn't have been able to control myself, I would have taken her to my bedroom and peeled her out of that tight, red, wet dress. I threw my head back and groaned, I wanted her so badly.

I looked back down at my phone trying to think of something to say back to Bianca - I so badly wanted to see her again and soon. I wanted to feel her soft lips against mine and run my hands down her curvy body all the way to her ample ass - I groaned again, oh her ass was perfect.

For a moment I couldn't help but imagine what it would look like in only a tiny pair of lace panties, or even what Bianca would look like wearing nothing but lingerie. C'mon dude get your head out of the gutter. I shook my head and looked back down at my phone, typing a quick message back to Bianca.

I won't tell anyone if you won't... And I promise I'll make it up to you. What if I bring more ice cream when I see you tonight?

I added a smiley face at the end of the text and hit send, rubbing my bare chin and sighing. Filming was over in a couple of days and I couldn't wait to start growing my beard back - I hated that I had to shave everyday. My mobile suddenly started ringing and I looked down to see my brother Scott's face on the screen. I slid my finger across the screen and brought the phone to my ear, "Hey man what's up?".

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