Chapter 34

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Bianca's POV:

I was shocked out of my peaceful slumber by a loud bark and I opened one eye to find Kovu sitting on the floor next to my bed, his liquid brown eyes looking up at me expectantly. He whined and put his head on the mattress, inching his nose closer and closer to my face until I could feel the tickle of his whiskers on my cheek. I smiled at him lovingly, "And good morning to you too". Kovu barked again and I reached out to scratch behind his ears, smiling as he leaned into my hand and wagged his tail happily.

"So much for a sleep in", a deep, sexy voice said behind me and I looked over my shoulder to find Chris yawning adorably, stretching out his long arms above his head, "Good morning beautiful". I blinked rapidly, wait what? Last night hadn't been just a dream? That had all happened for real? I shook my head in disbelief and smiled to myself, still not quite believing that Chris had actually flown home early just to see me, and then after out mind-blowing sex he had looked into my eyes and told me that he was in love with me. That was something that I never in a million years thought would ever happen to me, something that I thought could only ever happen in a dream. What had I done in a past life to ever deserve this? To wake up in the morning and have this Adonis of a man lying next to me, looking at me with his bright blue eyes and his sexy, lazy smile.

"Well good morning Captain" I said with a playful smile, shifting on the bed and turning onto my side to face him. My eyes traveled from his gorgeous face and down to his muscled torso, the white bed sheet sitting deliciously low on his hips. I smoothed the sheet against my chest and smiled at him, licking my lips as memories from last night flashed through my mind. Mmmm. He reached out and pulled me into him, pressing a soft kiss to my lips and brushing a hair away from my face, his eyes looking down at me intently. "How'd you sleep?". I smiled as I looked up at him, "Great actually, I mean I did get woken up in the middle of the night by some guy, but otherwise, I slept very well".

Chris flashed me a mock offended face and I couldn't help but giggle, "Just some guy huh?". I ran my thumb along his cheek and smiled, breathing in his sweet, musky scent and feeling a shiver run down my spine. "Some gorgeous" I said as I pressed a gentle kiss to his neck, "sexy" pressing another kiss to his jaw, "completely amazing guy", I said softly, pressing a final, gentle kiss to his lips. Chris smiled against my lips and pulled away to plant a small kiss on the tip of my nose, his eyes on me as he dropped his head back onto the pillow.

I moved my hand from his face to his chest and gingerly picked up the thin chain around his neck, running my fingers over the silver pendant and inspecting it closely for the first time. It was an etching of the catholic Saint Christopher, the patron saint of traveling and children. For a moment I couldn't help but think about my nonna back home - just as I was leaving for America she had given me a white gold bracelet with a small cross charm, St Christopher's name engraved delicately on its underside. She had put it in my palm and cupped my hand in both of hers, looking up at me and praying out loud in Italian - praying to St Christopher to bless her with more grandchildren. I shook my head as the memory replayed in my head, a pang of longing filling my chest for a brief moment.

Kovu barked again and I turned my head to look at him, frowning as he whined insistently from the edge of the bed. "Is he okay?" Chris asked concerned, lifting his head from the pillow to look over at Kovu. "He's fine" I said turning back to Chris and snuggling into his chest, "He just wants to go for run. We usually go in the mornings, before I go to work". All of a sudden it was like a firework had exploded in my head and I jolted upright, gasping loudly. Oh shit! Work! I had to go to work!


"I can't believe I forgot about work" I muttered exasperated, trying in vain to pull my hair into a semi-presentable ponytail. I couldn't believe it, Bianca you absolute idiot! I dashed out of the bathroom searching desperately for my heels, hopping on one foot as I tried to slip on my shoes and button up my shirt at the same time. "I'm so late, i'm so fucking late". Chris chuckled and I turned around to see him lying with his arms behind his head, the corner of his mouth pulled into a lazy smile as he looked at me.

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