Chapter 8

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"Bianca babe, please for the love of God make sure you're waxed completely" Paige said putting emphasis on the word 'completely'. "Um not everyone has sex on the first date Paige" Cass said with her voice full of attitude, Maddy and I laughing at the two of them. I shifted on the couch and stretched out my legs, Kovu letting out an annoyed growl as I disturbed his position.

I cradled the phone against my shoulder listening to the three of my friends argue with each other through our four-way phone call. "Are you telling me that if Chris Evans, sex-on-legs, wanted to have sex on the first date you wouldn't do it?" Paige asked, "I think that ones directed at you Cass" I chimed in with a small laugh. "He wouldn't of called it a date if he wanted to have sex on the first night" Cass said defensively. "That's not what I asked you" Paige said into the phone, exasperated.

"Whatever" Paige said with a huff. "I know what i'd be doing. But this isn't my story. Bianca this is up to you . Just please, for me babe, take my advice. And make sure you send us all photos of what you wear" she added in. I laughed, "Yes Paige". "Well, anyway on that note I'm going to love you and leave you ladies" Cass said with a yawn, "I start work in less than 5 hours". "Yeah me too actually, Tom's working late so I've got a date with my bathtub and a bottle of wine" Maddy added in after. "Oh Mads I like the way you think, I might go and do that too!" Paige said, the clink of ice against a glass following her voice.

"Alright, goodnight girls, I love you all. Thank you! And wish me luck for tomorrow!" I said with a huge grin, still not quite believing that Chris had asked me on a date. "Make sure you call us and remember what I said!" Paige yelled into the phone just before I hung up. I put the phone down and laughed, my friends really were the best.

I stroked Kovu's head and picked up the remote, flicking aimlessly through Foxtel channels trying to find something half decent to watch. I frowned, more than a hundred channels on Foxtel and there was never anything good on. All of a sudden, my eyes widened and I couldn't help the enormous smile that grew on my face - Captain America; The Winter Soldier was about to start playing.

I decided that it had to be a positive sign, that maybe it was the universe telling me that perhaps there was a deeper reason that Chris and I had met. He had walked into my clinic out of all the Physio practices in LA - that had to be something, right? I leaned back into the couch and got myself comfortable to watch the movie, Kovu stretching out and resting his head on my thigh.


15 minutes into the movie and I was already swooning over Chris' muscles - I was such a sucker for a muscly chest and big arms, they were one of my favourite things on a man. I grinned knowing that I had actually seen them first hand, up close and personal. My mobile suddenly lit up, the Sex and the City theme song ringing loud and clear. I frowned as I looked down at my lap and saw a number I didn't recognize.

I picked up my phone and stared at the screen, glancing down at my watch and trying to decide whether or not I should answer. It was only 8 o'clock but who else besides the girls would call me at this time? My phone continued to ring and I hesitated, looking back up at the TV, just in time to see Steve Rogers throw his shield and knock out a group of thugs. It suddenly dawned on me that the person calling me may actually be the same person whose gorgeous face was currently pictured on my TV screen at this very moment. I slid my finger across the screen and put the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I asked softly, smiling down at a now awake Kovu, his big, liquid brown eyes looking up at me curiously

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"Hello?" I asked softly, smiling down at a now awake Kovu, his big, liquid brown eyes looking up at me curiously. "Is this Dr Bianca?" the male voice said - a voice that was slowly becoming more and more familiar to me."I don't know about a Doctor, but this is definitely Bianca" I replied smiling as I heard his masculine chuckle on the other end of the phone. I felt my heart beat race, I was actually on the phone with Chris Evans!

"How are you?" Chris asked as I reached for the TV remote, turning the volume down so that I could hear him better. "Pretty good and yourself?" I replied with a smile so big that my cheeks were starting to hurt. "Oh not too bad, I could be better if I had some company though" he answered cheekily and I swore I could hear him grinning through the phone. I laughed, "Quiet Thursday night in for you Mr Evans?" I asked raising an eyebrow. "I guess you could say that, although from the sounds of things, you are having the same sort of night as me" his words making me grin.

"You'd probably laugh if you knew what I was doing right now" I said to him, shifting on the couch and lying down on my back. "Hmm well, I could think of a few things" Chris replied cheekily and I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his boyish words. He laughed, "Nah come on tell me. Please". I let out a deep breath and glanced back at the TV screen, wondering if this would make me sound like a crazy fan. "Well, at this very moment, I'm lying on the couch with my dog, watching a certain Captain kick a Winter Soldier's ass".

I heard Chris' husky laugh on the other end of the phone, "Yeah he goes alright that guy, I don't know how I feel about the blue tights though". I started laughing like a little girl, feeling like I was 16 years old and back in high school again. "I don't know, I think he makes them work. He's got a great ass" I said feeling my stomach flip as Chris laughed into the phone. "You have a really great laugh you know" I added looking up at the ceiling and throwing my legs over the back of the couch. "Back at you sweetheart". I felt my face heat up at his complement, my cheeks now aching from smiling like an idiot.


Chris' POV:

I couldn't help but smile as I listened to Bianca's adorable laugh, god she was sweet. I listened to her tell me about the rest of her day at work, leaning back on the couch as I told her about my own rather uneventful day after seeing her. The smile on my face seemed to grow even wider as we talked and I shook my head incredulously - I'd only met Bianca a couple of times and yet I couldn't seem to stop thinking about her even as I spoke to her. She was like the perfect combination of smart and funny, cute and sexy, all at the same time. When I'd spoken to my mom on the phone earlier, I'd told her all about Bianca and how I'd asked her on a date. I couldn't wait to take her to dinner tomorrow night.

"So tomorrow night, I'll pick you up at 7?" I asked stretching out my legs. "That sounds perfect, I'll message you my address" she answered sweetly, and suddenly I wished I could see what she was doing. "How's your back feeling by the way?" she added quickly as I flicked through TV channels trying to find something good to watch. "It feels great, see I've got this amazing physio, you should really go and see her" I replied, smiling as she laughed on the other end of the line. "She must be pretty good then, I guess I'll keep that one in mind". I grinned and dropped my head off the edge of the couch - this girl was seriously amazing.

"Well Chris, I'm going to have to let you go, I've gotta get up early in the morning" Bianca said softly, with what sounded like a small yawn following her words. I grinned, "I'll see you at 7 then?" I asked, feeling my insides stir at the thought of seeing her again. I ran my fingers through my hair and shifted on the couch, unable to believe the effect this girl was having on me. "Yep! Looking forward to it. Goodnight Chris" she said quietly, her accent making my head spin. "Goodnight Bianca" I replied softly, unable to wipe the smile off my face even as the line went dead. I closed my eyes and smiled, I hadn't even taken her on a date yet and she was already driving me wild.

 I put my phone down on my chest and shifted on the couch, the TV in front of me playing Two and a Half Men re-runs

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 I put my phone down on my chest and shifted on the couch, the TV in front of me playing Two and a Half Men re-runs. I smiled to myself still thinking about Bianca and her wide green eyes, her curvy ass and the adorable sound of her laugh.  I folded my arms behind my head and closed my eyes, letting out a deep, loud breath - I couldn't wait for tomorrow night. 

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