Chapter 21

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Bianca's POV:

As soon at the words left my mouth Chris started walking towards me, his eyes dark and full of lust as he closed the distance between us. As if on cue the music changed, the opening strains of 'Need You Tonight' by INXS playing through the speakers - I suppressed a giggle, how appropriate. My breath started coming in quick, shallow gasps and the air in the room suddenly felt thick with tension - I was sure Chris could feel it too as he got closer.

He reached me in a few short strides and immediately put his big hands on either side of my waist, pulling me tight against his body. My breath caught in my throat as one of his hands skimmed up my naked back and rested on my face, his fingertips leaving a trail of electric tingles along my skin.

He looked down at me for a moment his blue eyes burning, before pulling my chin towards him and pressing his mouth hard against mine. It was like a spark suddenly exploded inside my body at the contact of Chris' lips, his kiss becoming deeper and increasingly passionate by the second. He ran his tongue along my bottom lip and I felt my body melt against his, unable to stop a sigh from escaping my lips. My now open mouth only seemed to encourage him, his grip on my waist tightening as his tongue pushed past my lips and pressed against my own.

I could feel my heartbeat in my ears as our kisses became increasingly feverish, like we just couldn't get enough, like we were desperate for each other. 'There's something about you girl, that makes me sweat', the song continued, the beat pounding in my ears as Chris kissed me hard, his lips insistent against my own. His hands slid down my back torturously slow before landing firmly on my ass, his thick fingers giving me a quick, rough squeeze. I couldn't help but smile against his kiss as a small groan sounded from Chris' throat - he was definitely an ass man. He pulled away for a moment and looked down at me with a satisfied smile on his face, his eyes still dark with want. "You have no idea how long I've been wanting to do that". I looked up at him and wrapped my arms around his neck, dragging my fingers through his hair and smiling as his eyes rolled back. "Oh I think I have a rough idea" I replied with a soft smile, pulling on his neck and leaning in to kiss him again.

Chris' POV:

I felt a low growl rise up from my throat - it was insane how badly I wanted her. I wanted my mouth on every inch of her skin but it was like I just couldn't do it fast enough. Bianca kissed me hard and I could no longer help myself - with my hands still gripped firmly on her ass, I lifted her up and moved towards the nearest wall that I could find. Her legs wrapped around my waist and locked at her ankles, a shiver running down my spine as her fingers gripped the back of my neck tighter. Finally finding a wall, I pushed her against it and watched as her head dropped back, a soft, sexy moan escaping her lips.

Taking advantage of her now exposed neck, I released her mouth and attacked the soft skin of her throat - the sweet scent of her perfume driving me wild. I let out a groan as Bianca tugged on my hair and I rhythmically pressed my hips into her body, pushing her harder against the wall with each push. I pressed open-mouthed, wet kisses all over Bianca's neck and underneath her jaw, sucking on the skin just beneath her ear. She tugged roughly on my hair and let out an even louder moan - her way of telling me she liked what I was doing and didn't want me to stop.

I released her skin and kissed down her neck, leaving a slow, wet trail down to her breasts. I felt myself twitch - my arousal now fully evident in my underwear as I pressed harder into her body. I kissed along her skin where the edge of her lacy bra met her breast, smiling against her soft skin when she sighed in response. God she sounded sexy. Pressing my mouth between her breasts and kissing along her cleavage, I watched her chest rise and fall rapidly as she gripped my head even harder.

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