Chapter 42

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Bianca's POV:

I flopped down on the couch and put my feet up on the table, sighing as I felt my body sink into the cushions. Oh how good it felt to actually sit down! I closed my eyes and replayed the events of the magical day I'd had in my head, still not quite believing it had all happened. It had been the best Valentine's day I'd ever had in my entire 27 years of living, I'd never had so much fun before - I felt like the smile hadn't left my face all day. I'd loved every single moment of our day at Disneyland and I couldn't wait to tell the girls all about it. I pulled out my phone and scrolled through the various photos I'd snapped throughout the day, laughing at all of the silly selfies Chris and I had taken together. Even when he was pulling faces he still managed to look gorgeous - he was so ridiculously photogenic, which was more than I could say for myself in some of these photos. "Babe?" Chris called out from somewhere behind me, his footsteps soft against the floorboards. "Mmm?" I answered, putting down my phone and turning my head to look over the back of the couch. I stopped short when I saw him walking towards me, a huge flat box in his hands adorned with a bright red bow. This had to be the other present he had mentioned this morning.

"Babeee" I whined as he walked around the couch and towards the coffee table in front of me, "You didn't need to get me anything else. This is too much". He handed me the box and I noticed that he was holding another smaller sized box in his hands, it too decorated with a red ribbon. He shook his head and scoffed, "Oh because your present wasn't too much?". I frowned and opened my mouth to reply but was immediately silenced by him. "Shhh. Just open it baby" he said, planting a kiss on my forehead and moving my legs so that he could sit on the coffee table opposite me. Feeling like a kid on Christmas morning and unable to hide my excitement, I pulled on the edge on the ribbon until it came undone and eagerly tore open the white wrapping paper. My eyes widened and I swore my heart almost stopped beating right then and then.

I couldn't believe it. It was us! It was the picture of Chris, Kovu and I that I'd taken at the top of Eagle Rock the other week, blown up and printed on a huge white canvas. Chris and I were both grinning happily at the camera and even Kovu looked like he was smiling. My mouth fell open and I blinked quickly, searching for the words to say as I looked at the gift in front of me. I didn't know if it was the love-filled day I'd had or the present I was holding in my hands, but suddenly I felt like my whole body was melting. "Chris, I---" I trailed off, lifting my eyes from the canvas to look at him. "It's my favourite photo of us" he explained, leaning forward and resting his elbows on his thighs. "And up until today, that day had been one of the best days I'd had in a long time" he said gesturing to the canvas with his head, "It was all because of you baby". I looked up into his ocean blue eyes and I felt like the breath had been knocked out of me. "I--I love it" I whispered, glancing back at the picture and brushing my fingers over the delicate canvas material. There weren't words to describe the way I was feeling right now.

"And I got you this too" Chris added in a soft voice, holding out the small box and opening it in front of me, "So that when I'm not around, you can look at it and think of me". I looked inside the box and felt my breath catch in my throat, my body suddenly feeling like jelly. "Oh Chris". It was a delicate silver charm in the shape of a heart and covered almost entirely in tiny, sparkling diamonds, a small, silver letter 'C' hanging like a pendant from its bottom. It was a Pandora charm - Chris had bought it to add to the bracelet that was forever on my wrist. "You're always wearing this and you've told me about all the charms on it" he explained, putting down the box and reaching for my wrist, "So I wanted to get you something to add to it, from me". I watched, stunned, as he carefully unclasped the bracelet and slipped the charm onto it, clipping it back up and spinning the bracelet around on my wrist. I looked down and smiled as the delicate, hanging 'C' glinted in the light, sitting between the ballet shoe charm my students had given me on my birthday last year and the tiny silver elephant charm mum had given me just before I'd left home. It was perfect. "Chris, I love it. I love the charm, I love the picture" I said looking up at him, my heart swelling in my chest, "and I love you!".

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2018 ⏰

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