Chapter 12

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Bianca's POV:

We reached the front desk and I watched the waiter swipe Chris' card, frowning as I glanced down at my purse. "Don't even think about it" Chris whispered threateningly in my ear, planting a soft kiss on the side of my head as his hand gently ran up and down my side. I rolled my eyes and leaned into him, loving the feel of his kisses on my hair and smiling when he gave me a soft squeeze.

I turned to take one last look around the restaurant as Chris finished paying - the sun had now set and the city was blanketed by a velvety dark sky, the moon reflecting off the calm waters in the marina. Just as I was about to turn back to Chris, I noticed a table of women staring in my direction, confused expressions on each of their faces. Almost instantly a feeling of unease settled in my belly, were they looking at me? One of the women leaned back in her chair and I felt her eyes look me up and down, a frown clearly evident on her face.

I knitted my eyebrows together and looked around the room, my eyes falling on another table - a couple, both of them looking directly at me. I frowned, confused. The more I looked around the room, the more I felt like people were looking in my direction. Before the unsettling feeling could completely consume me, my mind suddenly remembered exactly who I was out to dinner with. My chest deflated with relief, of course. These people weren't looking at me, they were looking at Chris standing behind me. Having spent the last few hours with him, it was easy to forget about his fame - obviously people were going to look. If the situation had been reversed, I'd definitely be one of those people staring, after all, it wasn't every day that you saw Captain America in a restaurant on a date. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and looked back out at the marina.

"You ready to go?" Chris asked softly into my ear, my earlier thoughts disappearing when he pulled on my waist and turned me to face him. His face was so incredibly close to mine that I was sure he could hear my heart starting to race in my chest, his delicious cologne filling my nose. I suddenly felt the overwhelming urge to reach up and kiss his full lips, wanting so badly to feel his mouth on mine and run my fingers through his hair.

I couldn't help the smile that grew on my face as he looked down at me, his crooked smile making my heart beat faster and my insides melt. I really liked Chris - he was funny, he was gorgeous, he was a gentleman, and everything I could possibly want in a man. As I looked into his bright blue eyes I realised that even though I barely knew him and even though we'd barely had one date; I was starting to fall for Chris Evans.


Chris' POV:

I tightened my arm around Bianca as we walked out of the restaurant, loving the way her body fit snugly against mine. "So, can I ask why you wouldn't let me pay?" she asked looking up at me, batting her eyelashes as I moved my arm around her shoulders and pulled her into me.

"Because you don't need to, and because I asked you on a date" I replied looking down at her, the moonlight softly highlighting her face and making her eyes glow even brighter than usual. "Okay so by that logic then" she answered raising one eyebrow, "if I ask you on a date, I can pay?". I looked down at her and smiled, my eyes searching her face. "Nope". I smirked as Bianca sighed in frustration, rolling her eyes as we reached the car. I bent down and opened the passenger door, suddenly acutely aware of how close we were to each other. She turned and leaned forward,and I watched her eyes flicker briefly to my mouth, her hand moving up my arm and resting on my shoulder.

Bianca's green eyes glowed and her lips were parted slightly as she looked at me. My eyes searched her face, looking from her eyes to her lips and back again. I felt my heart start to race in my chest, was this it? "Thank you for dinner" she said softly, her hand moving from my shoulder to my chest, her fingers grasping the lapel of my jacket. Was she going to kiss me? I moved my hand from the small of her back to the base of her neck and looked down at her mouth, my mind suddenly going blank - I'd been waiting for this moment all night. Bianca pulled on my jacket, pulling me closer and I leaned forward, closing my eyes and waiting for her mouth to finally touch mine.

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