Chapter 14

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Bianca's POV:

Even though the water was warm, it shocked my skin awake as Chris and I dropped into the pool. I resurfaced and brushed my now dripping wet hair away from my face, narrowing my eyes at Chris in front of me. "I can't believe you just did that!" I said with a squeal, looking down at my now saturated dress and putting my hands on my hips.

I froze as I watched Chris run his hand through his hair, slicking it back as he laughed. His white shirt - now completely soaked through, clung to his skin and showed the delicious outline of his chiseled chest. My body swooned as I looked at him, all of my frustration suddenly disappearing. He was so god damn sexy.

I dug my fingers into my sides to stop myself from reaching out and pulling him to me, wanting so badly to kiss him, the muscles in my belly clenching. "That's what you get for shoving ice cream into my mouth honey" Chris said winking at me, still laughing as he leaned back against the pool wall.

I jumped up and sat on the edge of the pool, the waterlogged material of my dress making a squelching noise as I sat. I frowned, so much for looking good on this date. I dangled my legs in the water and looked up at the sky, the warm breeze making goosebumps rise on my wet skin. I closed my eyes and felt my head buzz from the alcohol, unable to stop my smile when I looked back over at Chris.

He got out of the pool and walked over to the day bed, returning moments later with my wine glass and sitting down on the edge next to me. "So I've got another question for you" I asked with a deep breath, acutely aware that his leg was pressed against my own. "What's that?" he asked, smiling and taking a sip of his beer. "Are you a boob or ass man?" I asked, turning and grinning at him, watching as he leaned back on his elbows and raised an eyebrow at me.

Chris' POV:

I grinned at her, oh I definitely had an answer for that one. "I'm an ass man for sure. There's something about a girl with a great ass that drives me fucking nuts" I replied shrugging my shoulders and looking at Bianca, suddenly wishing that I was looking at hers. "I love a girl with a curvy ass".

She nodded slowly as if considering my answer, a smile on her face as she looked down at her feet in the water. The underwater lights made the pool a bright turquoise colour, the reflection of the lights making her eyes glow even brighter than usual. "What about you, what's your favourite feature on a guy?" I asked her, shifting slightly so that our feet touched in the water. "Arms and chest" she said almost instantly, gesturing to the top of her torso, "For me, there's nothing better than being wrapped in a strong pair of arms" she answered with a laugh, "Or being able to hold on to them know" she added with a cheeky grin, running her hand through her long wet hair and pushing it away from her face. I returned her grin and sat back up, thinking about her answer. Interesting.

"Well, since we're going down this road" Bianca said exhaling deeply, a mischievous lilt in her voice, "What's your favourite colour of lingerie?". I turned to her and raised my eyebrows, unable to stop my smile as I looked at her flushed face - I couldn't tell if it was because of the alcohol or her question. I chuckled and took a sip of my beer, thinking about my answer.

"Well you can never go wrong with black - its classic and sexy" I said to her, watching as she grinned. "How very Steve Rogers of you" she retorted with a laugh, taking a sip of her wine. "And red is always good too, I mean I think every man loves red lace on his woman" I continued, rubbing my chin and grinning. "But if I had to pick a favourite, I'd have to say....light blue".

Bianca turned and looked at me curiously, willing me to continue. I shrugged, "I dunno there's just something about it, it's sweet, but a little bit bad at the same time - like you know she's not entirely innocent ". Bianca nodded softly as if she was thinking about my answer, kicking her feet gently through the water.

Bianca's POV:

I made a mental note to wear my pale blue lingerie the next time I saw Chris, tipping my wine glass up and draining the last of it. My head was swimming from the alcohol, though I wasn't drunk by any means. I was at that magic, 'happy' stage that happened just before intoxicated. We sat in silence on the edge of the pool, our legs dangling in the warm water, our shoulders pressed against each other.

"Bianca?" Chris asked softly, turning to look at my face. I dropped my head and leaned against his shoulder, "Yes?" I answered quietly, closing my eyes and enjoying the feel of the warm breeze against my still damp skin. "I've had a really great time with you tonight, I really wanna see you again soon" Chris whispered against my wet hair, his voice soft and sweet and making my heart race.

"I'd really like that" I replied softly, opening my eyes and lifting my head to look at Chris, his blue eyes already looking down at my face. "I really like you Christopher Robert" I whispered softly, noticing for the first time the long, thick eyelashes that framed his big blue eyes. He laughed and put down his beer, reaching out for my hand and intertwining our fingers, his thumb rubbing gentle circles into my palm.

"I really like you too Bianca. I--I've never met a girl like you before. I think you're amazing" he said still looking at me, my heart beating faster and my stomach flipping at his words. He gave my fingers a small squeeze and I was suddenly certain that he could hear my heart racing in my chest. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, I couldn't believe this was happening.

All of a sudden an idea popped into my brain like a lightening bolt and with a burst of courage that could only have come from the wine, I leaned over and used all of my strength to push Chris into the pool. Oh I am going to be in so much trouble. I laughed as he resurfaced and watched as he sputtered and coughed, reaching up to slick back his hair again. "You're unbelievable you know?" Chris said exasperated, "Hey! That's only payback for dropping me in!" I replied laughing from my spot on the edge of the pool. He looked at me for a moment and I watched as his lips slowly parted into a grin, his hand all of a sudden reaching out for my foot and yanking me into the water with him.

I immediately resurfaced in front of Chris, coughing to get the water out of my mouth and still laughing like a little girl. "Okay I know I deserved that one" I said with a laugh, pushing my dripping wet hair away and wiping the water from my face. Chris reached out and grabbed my waist with both hands, pulling my body towards his own.

"You are fucking impossible sweetheart" Chris said in a deep voice, his eyes searching my face as he leaned towards me. Even though we were in the water I felt my body heat up as Chris' hands touched me, his hands gripping my hips and pressing our bodies together in the pool. His hands moved from my waist and slid slowly up my body, finally coming to rest on my cheeks. I knew what was coming and suddenly I felt like the whole world was moving in slow motion, Chris' eyes flickering to my mouth as we stood in the water.

 I knew what was coming and suddenly I felt like the whole world was moving in slow motion, Chris' eyes flickering to my mouth as we stood in the water

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  "I really want to kiss to you right now" Chris said softly, my heart feeling like it was about to explode right out of my chest. I swallowed thickly as I looked up at his face, his eyes looking directly into my own. "So kiss me then Captain" I replied, my voice barely louder than a whisper, my heart beat pounding in my ears. His damp hands held my face and my breath caught in my throat as he smiled gorgeously down at me, my eyes wide as he leaned forward to kiss me. This was it, this was happening! Chris Evans was about to kiss me! All of a sudden my mind went blank and I was unable to think about anything else except for the amazing man in front of me - his lips incredibly soft as his mouth pressed gently against my own.   

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