Stressing Over What?

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We all sat around the fire pit talking, Angel tucked between Chris and I sharing my Sons of Anarchy throw blanket. Chris had been talking to his dad and the guys while the bitch and Angie talked wedding plans with me. I asked for his mother to of course come with me since I wouldn't be going dress shopping with my own mother. I explained my situation to her and of course that snarky bitch Samantha had to butt in.

"I could see why your mother would always be disappointed in you. You're a whore."

Before I could even open my mouth to defend myself, Chris was standing in front of her.

"Look Samantha. I understand you being my brother's friend and all, but understand, Jennifer is more family to me than you will ever be. I am marrying her and you damn sure will not disrespect her especially in front of our son. I only let you come around because my brother has loved you for years, but you're so hung up on trying to get in Ricky's pants that you can't even see it. Let me tell you something, my wife and child will always come before you in my eyes. I don't give a damn if you came with my brother. I will put you out without any hesitation. And I suggest you stop trying with Ricky because as you can see my Fiancé's best friend is already dating him."

"I... I'm sorry Chris. I didn't mean to disrespect you or your household."

"Or my family, she is family. Get that through your head or get the fuck out."

She nodded silently before standing and walking out  the back gate.

"Love, you didn't have to be so mean to her." I quietly said as I pulled on his sleeve.

"Yes, I did. She was just going to keep at it. I'm sick of her rude attitude. I don't know what my brother sees in her."

"I'm going to go talk to her."

"No, it's okay Jenny. I want to talk to her. My brother is right, she's been using me for years. It's time for me to find someone who actually loves me for me."

I nodded at Nick before Chris pulled me closer to cuddle with him and our son.

"Daddy, Mommy?"

"Yes, sweetheart?" I answered Angel.

"Can I be in the wedding?"

"Of course! Who else would we trust with the rings little man!" Chris smiled and hugged him closer.

At the end of the night, every one said goodnight to the sleepy Angel in my arms and I took him upstairs to tuck him in for the night.

As I was singing his favorite lullaby Chris stood in the doorway watching us, eventually walking in and placing a small kiss to his forehead.

"Goodnight my Angel." He whispered before pulling me out of the room with him.

Walking into our room I laid out across the bed exhausted from today's events and Chris gently and slowly closed our bedroom door.

"I think we need to talk."

"Oh. Okay. About what?" I asked as calmly as I could, yet my heart was beating a thousand miles per minute. What could possibly be wrong. I sat up and looked over at him.

"Well, its about earlier in the shower. I, well I..."

"Chris, I hope you aren't thinking I wasn't ready. I've been ready for a while."

"No, I know you were ready babe. You would have said something and I would of stopped. It's just that I didn't use a condom."

"Oh." I mumbled with wide eyes.

"I mean not that I don't want you to carry my children. I'm worried that this isn't what we meant to happen. I don't think we are ready for two kids, I mean I'm still getting the hang of just one. What do we do? How do I make sure I'm not showing more love to another? How do I make sure they both know they are loved just as much? I mean if it's a girl she's going to have me wrapped around her little finger and I don't ever want Angel to feel like I love him any less and-"

"Chris." I tried to interrupt his rant. Keyword there is tried.

"-if it's a boy I want to make sure he's raised right! Like you've raise Angel and I of course want your dad and brother to be in the baby's life..."

"Chris!" I raised my voice which snapped his attention to me. "You're talking as if I am pregnant. We don't know that I am yet. How about we give it a few weeks then I will take a test, okay?" He nodded before slowly walking over to me and laying his head in my lap.

"I will be so happy if you are. I'm just worried I won't be good enough."

"Chris you treat Angel so well. I know you'll be a great father. I know you will handle all of the struggles to the best of your abilities, and that's all I ask from you. But we don't even know yet love. Stop stressing yourself out about it."

He nodded before standing up and taking off his clothes, leaving his briefs on. "How about bedtime?"

I sighed with a slight laugh before doing the same with my clothes. "I thought you'd never ask."

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