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"You know, I truly thought you would end up in a black dress. You and Chris are not the traditional type."

I smiled at Angie. His mother was such a sweetheart, and his family really did show me that they loved and welcomed me. So of course, she is here with me as I get ready for the big day.

"I did think of wearing a dress with some colors, but Bree being the creative she is pointed out that Chris would be in all black and the contrast of our clothing would look great for pictures. Then she pulled this dress out and I cried before I even walked out in it."

"I'm sorry I couldn't be there for that dear. But I am so glad you found the perfect dress. You look like the woman he's waited all his life for." She smiled before putting her hands on my shoulders. "You are the woman he's waited all his life for Jennifer. I am so happy to see you two finally get married. I have been waiting the last three years for this!"

I giggled as she leaned back and dabbed her eyes with tissue. "I'm sorry mama! With all his touring it was just difficult to plan around."

"I know. That man works too damn much. Just remember, he does love you, even on the days when it seems like his music is more important."

I nodded. Just then Bree walked in wearing her beautiful red dress. "Well hello gorgeous!" She smiled as she looked me up and down. "Did you happen to tell your soon to be husband that you aren't wearing red like he keeps guessing?"

"No, not at all." I smirked. Chris swears that my wedding dress is red. Little does he know, he actually peaked at the bridesmaid dress Bree was storing at our house. She had my wedding dress because we knew Chris would peak. "I can't wait to see the look on his face when he realizes his peaking was a fail."

Bree and I both laughed.

Soon enough, it was time to walk down the aisle with my dad.

I had Bree as my Maid of Honor and Chris of course chose Ricky as his Best Man. My only bridesmaid was my sister-in-law, and Chris's only groomsman was my brother. We still had Angel as our ring bearer however, he wanted to add a bit of fun as Chris and I are getting married on Halloween. Angel was dressed like the secret service from Princess Diaries and had an ear piece in.

When I finally walked down the aisle to Chris, I could see the tears trying to escape his eyes

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When I finally walked down the aisle to Chris, I could see the tears trying to escape his eyes. We both smiled at one another as my dad handed me off. He looked spectacular in his all black suit against the red backdrop we chose together. The red roses matched the ones in my bouquet that were mixed with sunflowers.

Again, because we are not traditional, we chose the Corpse Bride vows to recite. Smiling and giggling as we went along. When we came to the kiss, Chris held my face in his hands before kissing me with a passion I had never imagined possible.

After walking back down the aisle together, Chris and I disappeared for a moment to ourselves. Chris was leaning against the wall in the dressing room, my body pressed against his, our foreheads connected.

"I'm so glad you're finally my wife."

"So am I. Now I can tell you my biggest secret."

Chris leaned his head back to look at me. "What's that?"

"It's nothing bad!" I laughed at the look on his face. "It's a new secret, about a month old, maybe a little longer?"

Chris frowned his face at me. "Jen... what are you hiding?"

I turned from him to grab the rectangular bow wrapped box I had been hiding in the drawer. "Here, open this."

"What? No, Jen I don't want a present right now. We aren't supposed to have any secrets."

"Chris. It's a good secret. The present will tell you what it is."

He looked skeptical. He hates surprises but I wanted to be sure before I told him.

"Jen... this is a pregnancy test." I nodded slowly as I watched him read it. "You're pregnant?!" He screeches as he looks from the test to me and back again.

"Yes." I squeaked just quiet enough for him to hear.

I jumped back in surprise as he started bouncing around the room.

"I'm going to be a dad! Baby we're having a baby!" I laughed at his excitement. He came to a halt a few inches in front of me. "Why didn't you tell me sooner!"

"I wanted to be sure. I just had a doctor's appointment a few days ago so, I waited until today because I knew it would take your mind off the stress of being around so many people at once."

Chris pulled me into him as he kissed me. Today is a day full of love.

"We'd better get going before Bree makes the photographer quit." I laughed to Chris.

"Right, let's go take our pictures so we can get this party started. Are we announcing our good news to the family tonight?"

"That is completely up to you babe." I looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"I think we should wait. I don't know how much more excitement my mother can handle today." He shook his head.

"Then we'll wait baby."

And with that, we headed out the door.

Watching City Lights (A Chris Motionless/Cerulli Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now