The Question

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Chris' POV

"Dude why didn't you ask her!?"

"Well for one, Bree happened to catch us in the middle of..." I looked at the guys and blushed. I couldn't finish that sentence. They would whoop and holler and yell.


"WHAT?!" I screamed and looked at Ricky who looked happy and giddy.

"No you idiot, they were making out!" Ryan cleared up. I'm thankful I'm not the only responsible one here.

"Yeah, thanks Ryan. Anyways, so I kinda rushed in here to avoid asking her... I got nervous."

"Well you have to ask her soon!" Balz shouted.

"I know, I know. And I will... Just not right now. Okay?"

They all nodded just as the stage manager came in.

"Alright guys, time to go!"

We all followed him out the door and to the stage.

Jennifer's POV

Bree helped me set up the merch after I changed and then she had to rush to the stage because the guys were starting soon. She had already brought Angel back from the dressing room for me.

He looked so adorable, Ryan being silly as he is, decided to paint his face and body like Chris' paints his. Bree said they thought Chris and I would be great together.

I don't know about that. Yes we had a great time tonight but, I don't think I could marry a rock star. I don't want him having to go on the road and leave us home. And it wouldn't be fair to him or his fans to make him quit.

Why am I even thinking about this!?

I looked up to find a girl heading to the bathroom. From my position I could see two guys following her. I don't know if they were with her or not but the boys themselves seemed iffy.

"Angel, where's your backstage pass?"

He pulled it out of his shirt and showed me.

"Okay, run to the security guard at the side stage entrance, right there you see it?" I pointed and he nodded. "Tell him to get some help, two guys just followed a girl into the bathroom. Okay?"

"Yes mommy."

"And then show him your pass and go to Bree, you know the area she's always in right?" he nodded again just as I heard screams from the bathroom.

"Okay go, go!"

I sent him running towards the security guard and I ran to the bathrooms.

I slowly opened the door and entered. I don't think they could hear me over the screams.

Next to me was an industrial mop which gave me an idea.

Quietly I unscrewed the mop stick from the cloth mop and held it in my hands. I walked up behind the guys and smacked one of them in the back with it.

The other looked at me as the girl scurried over to cower behind me.

"Well well well... now we've got two little girls. How much fun will this be."

I looked at the girl from the corner of my eyes to see a bloodied nose and bruises forming.

"You need to stay back from us, security is on their way."

He looked scared at my words and I was slowly backing up causing the girl and I to inch towards the door without being noticed.

"Mike! Get up we gotta make a run for it!" he started pulling his friend up.

Watching City Lights (A Chris Motionless/Cerulli Love Story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora