Chapter 34

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((WARNING: NOT EDITED. My editor was sick and couldn’t edit this chapter. I tried to self-edit as best as I could, but if you see any errors that really confuse you, point them out. Thanks!

Remember, telling me how annoyed you are at the time between updates does not help me upload faster.

Check out the cover by neonlights12! She used the correct actress for Skylar, too :) ))



~~~~~~~~Gabriel’s POV~~~~~~~~~



Antonio smirked, his eyes glimmering with malevolence.

Fury rose from deep within me, burning through my veins and causing my last tendril of self-control to snap. I Shifted instantly, my clothes ripping away from my body and fur sprouting from my pores. I leapt at Antonio in the same movement, anger coursing through me as I realized that Cain was leaving the vampire behind to distract me while Cain ran away with my Mate. Killing Antonio would waste precious time that could help me save Skylar.

 It was pathetic, my Wolf thought, that Antonio was willing to give his life to buy Cain a few seconds.

Then again they probably thought I would be losing my strength by now. Antonio was likely not counting on me leaping at him full force, claws outstretched. The shaggy-haired vampire tried to dodge my snarling jaws, a startled look flashing through his black eyes, but he was too slow. I was livid, seeing red, and my Wolf was intent on snaring our prey. Antonio did not stand a chance, no matter how old he was.

He may have been one of the strongest vampires, but he was nothing compared to an enraged werewolf with the blood of an Angel and the strength of an Alpha.

It took mere seconds for my fangs to sink into his shoulder, bone crunching beneath my mighty jaws. Antonio might have been strong enough to throw any other werewolf off but he was a flimsy sapling bending to the gales of my fury. My Wolf roared as I trapped the vampire below me and began to tear at him, rending him in pieces. Antonio hissed in pain and attempted to fight off my attack but my heavy weight pinned him to the ground. I buried my teeth into every exposed inch of skin I could find. His hisses turned into desperate squeals as I tore into him with roaring bloodlust. When my teeth pierced the jugular he stilled, blood staining the green grass. I took this opportunity to be-head him with one strong wrench, my Wolf simmering with satisfaction. Strength and adrenaline burned through my veins, and tearing Antonio apart had been no challenge in this enhanced state. I dropped the severed head to the ground and took off in the direction Cain had vanished.

 Rage was driving me, I was a completely feral animal that would kill anything that tried to stop me from getting to my Mate. There was no telling what Cain had in store for her. The vampire had to be weakening by now, whereas my paws were thundering across the ground and I was catching up. Antonio had bought him a minute but it wouldn’t be enough. I leapt through the trees, which soon opened up to a fairly steep, grassy slope. Skylar’s scent led me down the mountain and I dimly wondered where the Hell the vampire was taking her.

Eli! Status! I mentally barked at the Beta, hoping he was in good enough shape to respond and follow me.

Alpha. Almost every Wolf is accounted for. I detected worry in his tone.

Is Skylar with you? He continued.

Cain has her. I’m following him. Send wolves after me. Where is Raziel? I remembered Rebekah had said he was distracting Cain, but the Angel was nowhere to be found.

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