Twenty Four - The End

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It took a few minutes before the ship flew off into the distance, disappearing into the bright blue sky above them.

Anakin turned around to face Luke and Leia, who were standing beside Han and Chewbacca. "Where's your mother?"

Leia sighed. "Back at the house doing what she does best... being nervous."

"Why? Because of all of us being here?" Anakin queried, raising his eyebrows.

"Yes. She was yelling at us to stay inside but we ran out anyway," Luke replied, smirking.

Anakin shot a glare Luke's way, shaking his head.

"Anyway," Anakin continued, "speaking of that, we should get back to the house. She's probably wondering if we're okay."

Han and Chewbacca appeared left out of the group, and Anakin sighed and said, "You too, Han and Chewbacca. Come back to the house and we'll all have dinner."

"Yes," Han whispered, grinning. "Thanks, Mr. Skywalker."

"Please, call me Anakin."

"I'll never bother you again, Mr. Skywalker," Han said, beaming. He and Chewbacca followed Luke and Leia onto the riverspeeder to take across the lake.

"Well, you just did," Anakin muttered to himself, climbing into the boat. He eased the acceleration forward, and as the villa came closer and closer into view, he pushed it faster. Anakin relaxed as the salt water misted his face, cooling him off.

After all that had happened in the last week or so, Anakin was looking forward to sitting at home and doing nothing for a while. He was done with war, and was pretty sure that living on Naboo was asking for peace. Hm... peace. That was a word he hadn't heard in a long time. But he was sure now, that peace would come.

He was ready to spend the rest of his life on this restful planet, and maybe even meet Padmé's family once and for all. He was ready to settle down, take a deep breath, and raise his family like he'd always wanted. He wanted to forget what he said about having another child, because he knew those times were over and the recent battles and restless, dangerous times had made him realize how gracious he was to have the family he had now. He was okay with his twins. They were just fine. Actually... they were all he wanted. They were his beautiful, mischievous, lovable twins that he had always wanted, and had finally gotten to spend the time with. And not to mention Padmé, who, along with the twins, was his everything.

And just then, sitting in that speeder boat, pulling up to the villa, hearing the twins laugh with their friends and seeing Padmé running with a smile on her face to greet them, Anakin knew he finally had the life he always wanted.

It seemed peace had come to the Skywalker family after all. Well, it was about time anyway. Past time. Almost two decades past time.

But all that time, those twenty years, was worth it. Because now, look where they were. One happy family living on the most peaceful planet in the galaxy.


Peace was all they needed.

I. Am. DONE!!! I can't thank you guys enough for all of your support. You're amazing, and I love you all.

This book has been such a success in my point of view, and I hope you guys think so too.

Thank you, and I'll be seeing you all when I focus on my next book, Paths Cross! (summary in Me and My Randomness + Fandomness)


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2016 ⏰

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