Sixteen - Executing Plans

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"So, how did you get the idea to dress up, anyway? Vyskell Vyann is an actual person? And you got past Sidious?" Anakin pressed as he maneuvered the buttons and levers all over the control room.

"I needed to come save you! I remembered a woman named Vyskell Vyann a while ago when I was back in the Senate. Sidious would talk about her all the time. So I researched her. I saw she was still alive and working bounty for all different people, so I called Sidious, hoped she wasn't already working for her at the moment, and came here dressed as her. It's gross, but I think she and Sidious have a thing going on."

Anakin laughed in agreement. "Yeah. It kind of is."

"But the thing we have isn't so gross," Padmé said, laughing softly. She laced her arms around Anakin's shoulders from behind and as he turned his head to the side to look at her, she pecked a kiss to his lips.

"No, I don't think it's gross at all," Anakin mumbled, kissing her back once more. He smiled and turned back around, pressing one more control. The power went out, which surprised Padmé at first, and she squeezed Anakin's shoulders tight.

"Ow, would you calm down a bit?" Anakin exclaimed, standing up and brushing off his shoulders.

"Sorry," Padmé said apologetically, her eyes glinting in the darkness. She could just make out Anakin's crystal blue orbs staring right into hers.

He was silent for a moment. Padmé waved her hand in front of his face. "Ani. Anakin!"

He shook his head, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Yeah. I'm sorry, Angel, I just got... distracted." He felt in front of him for the door and opened it, but that didn't provide any more light than before. He took out his lightsaber and ignited it, which lit up the whole hallway ahead of them.

Anakin took Padmé gently by the wrist and led her down hallway through hallway, elevator through elevator, passageway through passageway until they reached the light; the only part of the Death Star in which had power; the hangar through which the couple would escape.

Anakin sensed Sidious coming.

His plan was working.

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