One - "You Don't Look Different At All."

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When he disappeared fourteen years ago under the name of Anakin Skywalker, he was a dashing young man with a square jaw, crystal blue eyes and a kind heart. Until the Sith lord Darth Sidious ruined him, taking away his wife, his children, and his role as a Jedi.

When she discovered she no longer aged after she delivered twins and faking her death, she went into hiding. For she could not care for her children nor bear the pain of the truth. Her husband had turned to the dark side. She needed relief.

When he woke up in his home on Tatooine one morning, his uncle and aunt who were his caretakers were found dead. He was unsure of what to do. He felt lost. That's when he found an elderly man that knew his father, whom he knew nothing about but craved to know more. He wanted the truth.

When she was informed that her foster parents were killed in a deadly accident between two ships, she was devastated. She made out for a mission to the Death Star, for help. It was all she could do.

They were lost. All four of them.

* * * *

Vader woke up that morning to the sound of scuffing outside of his bedroom, which could be greatly compared, by most, to a prison cell. He rolled over on his cot slowly and opened one eye, infuriated with whoever dared interrupt his sleep.

Enduring the pain of getting out of bed, he sat up, not quite ready for another day of ruling the galaxy as an evil Sith lord. He was sick of all of the uptight meetings through holo, sick of all of the hiding. But he knew he had to, so he carried on.

"Darth Vader," a voice croaked. Vader whipped his head around, startled by the sudden noise, and found that the source of the voice was his master, coming through comm.

Immediately Vader stiffened. "Lord Sidious," he answered quickly, feeling as if the old Sith lord was watching him. "What is it, my Master?"

"We have visitors," Sidious replied slowly. "You must come, quickly."

"Visitors? Master, you know I'm not familiar with exiting my quarters - "

"Oh, my boy, I am aware. You will want to take the risk of letting your secret go. These are people you care about."

"People I care about?" Vader asked, thinking of anyone and everyone he might care about, but there was no real answer that stuck out to him. He decided to listen to his master anyway. "Where would I find these... people I care about?"

"Upstairs in sector five, you will find a battalion of Stormtroopers holding them. They're awaiting you, Vader. You must hurry."

"Yes, my lord. I'll be there."

And with that, Sidious dismissed the call.

Though Vader did not know of anyone he particularly cared about, still he pulled his midnight cloak on and exited his prison of a bedroom, hoping for the best.

* * * *

As, formerly Padme Amidala, now known as Padme Skywalker, made her way through the maze-like corridors of the Death Star, she wondered if she'd ever come across her husband again. She had been an undercover member of the Rebel Alliance for over 14 years now, and she was on a mission to retrieve the blueprints of the Death Star. She trusted her instincts that she would make it through the many flocking Stormtroopers aboard the station.

Absorbed in her thoughts, she ran straight into a masked figure with a blaster in hand. Oh no, Padme thought. I just did exactly what I promised myself I wouldn't.

"Ma'am," the Stormtrooper she had just run into said, "I'm afraid you're under arrest, for trespassing - without licence." He took special notice in her hooded head, so that her face was hidden.

"But - "

"Enough said. You're coming with me."

The Stormtrooper seized Padme by the arm and dragged her relentlessly, through her complaints and protests. "Lord Vader wishes to see you. I would suggest - " he said struggling, " - you come with me!" Padme refused to give in, though the Stormtrooper did. "She won't let her guard down. Bring in some more troopers." As soon as the Stormtrooper finished giving orders through his comlink, four others came running down the corridor toward Padme. They guarded her at four sides, forming a small square around her to ensure she would not escape the head trooper's grasp.

After what felt like forever of resisting and pulling trying to make her way out of their grasp, Padme and the Stormtroopers reached a small group of people, including two children, a young man who looked to be in his twenties, another man who looked the complete opposite; maybe in his sixties, and a scruffy Wookiee. All were being held.

And lastly, a tall figure in a dark cloak with his face hidden entered the corridor, standing before the crowd of helpless prisoners.

The head Stormtrooper that was originally in charge of Padme pulled back her hood and shoved her into the group of other people. The older man took notice and his jaw dropped for a quick moment. "Padme?" he said.

Padme looked at the man and her heart leapt. "Obi-Wan!" She smiled. "I - I can't believe -"

"I was under the impression you were dead!" Obi-Wan said. He chuckled softly. "I apologize, that was harsh. I -"

Padme and Obi-Wan looked noticed a sudden silence and looked to the cloaked figure, who, even though it was impossible to see his eyes, it felt as if they were boring into their very souls. They silenced themselves and awaited for the cloaked figure to speak.

"It's nice to meet up with you again," the figure said softly, a voice that was different, but that Padme was very familiar with. "But no matter your protests, you will be arrested immediately."

The Stormtroopers all stiffened and gripped their captors tighter.

Slowly and dramatically, the figure pulled back his hood, letting it fall to his shoulders. "Padme. You don't look different at all, Angel."

"Neither do you..." Padme remarked, seeing who was in front of her, right before her eyes. "No different than you did when we last met on Mustafar..."

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