Nineteen - Healing

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As the three entered the planet called Takodana, Anakin gazed out to see them fly over a lake full of crystal clear water, their ship in the reflection.

They landed quickly, and FN-2187 ran over to extend the ramp of the ship. He followed Anakin out, who carried Padmé in his arms.

As soon as Anakin's boots hit the soft dirt and he felt the warm breeze come over his face, he instantly felt more relaxed. The atmosphere of the place was so calming... sort of like home. Like Naboo.

Before he could enjoy it much more, FN-2187 led him into a place that looked like an old, overgrown abandoned castle. It had been turned into a small, bustling bar inside, with all sorts of characters in it. The bartender who walked around serving food and drinks was a short little orange creature with slanted eyes, covered with bulky goggles that looked like they were meant to be part of her.

"Maz!" the trooper called, looking around. The little orange creature turned its head to look at FN-2187, and walked over, tapping his leg.

"Maz, thank goodness you're here!" he sighed in relief, smiling. "We need your help."

* * * *

In another room upstairs, Padmé sat on a tall table as Maz stood on it, inspecting her.

She used essential oils to heal Padmé, and so far, they had worked. She gained most if her breathing back, and her wound was being worked on now.

"Will she heal completely?" Anakin asked as he watched Maz work her magic.

"As I told you, I am not a professional healer, so you must not be angry with me... you should be expecting her wound to heal in a couple of weeks. She should not have any pain after today, though, especially with these essential oils I am using and other medicines."

"What all are you using?" Anakin asked, suddenly wary of what was being out into Padmé's body. They could work the opposite way, for all he knew.

"Most of these are concoctions I have made myself. What I am using to help regrow some of her flesh is bacta."

Anakin stuck his tongue out in disgust, but soon recovered when he realized that the once-charred skin where Padmé had been shot was mostly clear.

"There will be a temporary scar," Maz prompted, sensing Anakin's confusion. "Bacta does it all, I tell you."

"Alright. I see." Anakin took Padmé's hand, helping her up from the table. "I can't thank you enough for your help. I don't know what we would've done without you."

Maz nodded slowly, looking over Padmé. "Of course. Just make sure there is no strained work or exercise for the next few weeks, and the wound should completely heal."

"Thank you. And... do you know where FN-2187 is? We need to get home."

"FN-2187? You mean Finn?"

"Sure," Anakin assumed, not sure what the nickname had any significance to.

"He's upstairs, talking to some people at the bar."

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