Seventeen - The Last Stormtrooper

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When Sidious reached the hangar, Anakin was ready. More than ready.

"I knew it! I knew this was a trick!" Sidious announced, flanked by several Stormtroopers. He ignited his crimson lightsaber and hobbled towards Anakin and Padmé.

Anakin ignited his own lightsaber, guarding Padmé behind him. "You should've stopped us, then, old man. Don't think you can possess me again."

"I might not be able to overthrow you, but I will able to kill Amidala once and for all."

Anakin shook his head in doubt. "You're all talk."

Sidious lunged forward, slashing at the two. He and Anakin clashed lightsabers countless times, battling in the only hangar that had power as Padmé did her best to fend off the remaining few Stormtroopers that surrounded her.

"Just waiting for me to slip up, old man?" Anakin taunted, his face dripping with sweat.

Sidious was about to reply, but the whole hangar shook suddenly and the blast of an explosion could be heard from a distance.

"Don't mind that!" Padmé shouted over the noise, breathlessly as she fought with the last Stormtrooper, attempting to push it away. "I just set off a few detonators around the Death Star earlier!"

Anakin smiled proudly at his wife's work and swung his lightsaber again, slashing Sidious's leg. He crumpled to the ground in pain, Anakin placed his boot on Sidious's head. "Stand down, old man," he demanded. "I'll let go if you stand down."

Sidious stayed crumpled on the ground, his head strictly held under Anakin's boot. "I... I --"

He was interrupted by the sound of a blaster shot making impact with another object. Anakin whipped his head around to see Padmé holding her stomach, bent over in pain and her expression stunned. She fell to the ground with a thump, the last Stormtrooper standing in front of her, blaster still held at the ready.

Furious, Anakin turned around and yelled, slicing Sidious's throat with the blade of his lightsaber. He trudged over to the last Stormtrooper. It held its hands up in defense, and Anakin stood in front of it, yelling, "Who are you?"

The Stormtrooper didn't reply, just continued to back away.

"I said, who are you? State your identification!"

The Stormtrooper took off his helmet, revealing a young man with a dark complexion. "I'm FN-2187. I'm from the future."

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