Five - Arrival at the Varykino Villa

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"So this is the famous Varykino Villa you guys talked our ears off about on the way here," Leia sighed as she crumpled in a nearby recliner. Anakin closed the front French doors and slid down them, glad to be finally home after 14 years of pain.

Padme walked through the house, breathing in the familiar scent of the place. She couldn't believe this was home. Home at last.

"When's dinner?" Luke asked. Padme laughed and sat beside her son on the couch he was sprawled across. She ran her fingers through his blonde hair and kissed his forehead. "As soon as I go to the market and get something for us all to eat."

"Aw, I thought you were going to say something good," Luke said, frowning. "When will you go to the market to get food?"

"Well... I guess I could go this evening. And all of you need to go with me to shop for clothing, too."

As soon as Padme said this, both Anakin and Luke groaned. "Do we have to?" Anakin asked.

"Oh, quit your whining, Anakin, you're such a child! And yes, you have to come. How else am I going to know if something fits you or not?"


"Anakin. Be a good role model," Padme earned, eyeing her husband testily.

Anakin sighed as he got up from the floor and stretched. "Well, it's been a long ride home, kids, but I'm afraid we have to go out clothes shopping."

Luke groaned again, but they followed Anakin out of the door, including Padme.

They were off to go to the tailor's to be measured. With two boys.

* * * *

"Boys, go stand on those pedestals and wait for the tailor. I'm going to get Leia."

Anakin and Luke obeyed Padme and waited for the tailor reluctantly. A few moments later, Leia stood beside them on her stool. There were several tailors that came over to measure the twins and Anakin for new robes and cloaks, as well as casual clothing, dresses and nightgowns for Leia. Padme waited patiently in a chair, watching her family.

As the tailor finished on Anakin, who was last in line and he stepped off, he and Padme met eyes, and Padme's heart leapt. She looked away quickly and stood up, pretending to check her pockets for credits. Anakin passed her, and his scent lingered around her. It was all too familiar and brought back so many memories.

Just then, all of those memories, good and bad, passed through her mind.

"Padme," Anakin said softly, touching the small of her back.

She jumped, breathing fast. "What?" She tucked a curly strand of hair behind her ear and rubbed her arms awkwardly. "I - I'm sorry. I was just thinking."

Anakin furrowed his eyebrows as Padme passed him and took the twins to the counter to pick their clothing. He shrugged, but followed her without hesitation. He stared at the back of her, her brunette curls falling past her waist, past her hips. When she turned and looked at something to her side, her face was glowing. She was so beautiful. Her brown eyes sparkled. Maybe, he thought, she'll fall in love with me again.

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