Ten - Trouble From the First Day

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"Anakin, wake up," Padmé said softly that next morning, kneeling beside Anakin's side of the bed, trying to get him up for the day. Every morning he had been sleeping in, taking advantage of being home.

"Ten more minutes," Anakin grumbled, covering his head with his pillow. Padmé laughed and uncovered his head. "You said that the last three times I came in here."

He turned over, looking up at Padmé with squinted eyes, trying to get used to the brightness of the morning sun. "Fine."

There was a light knock at their doors, and Anakin sat up, sitting on the edge of the bed. "Come in," he called, running his fingers through his messy curls.

Leia leaned inside their room with her fresh new set of robes on and smiled. "Hey, Mom? Chewie's lost and I was wondering if we could go look for him."

"That's fine. As long as you stay near here, okay? And make sure you stay together."

Leia nodded. "Got it. Hopefully we'll be back soon."

"Okay. Be safe, I love you."

"I love you too, Mom." She smiled and closed the door softly behind her as she walked out.

Anakin looked at Padme, and she smiled. He smiled too, and threw himself beside Padme, laughing.


"Chewie! Oh, Chewbacca the Wookiee, where are you?" Leia called as she, Han and Luke ran through the meadows just behind their home.

"I'm afraid that's not how it's done, your Worshipfulness," Han said swiftly, crossing his arms over his chest. "It's a little more like this: Hey, Chewie! Come on, you big, hairy old animal!"

Luke and Leia stared at their best friend as his voice echoed out in the open.

Han glanced at them and shrugged, continuing to walk. "He's gotta be around here somewhere..."


Late that night, Leia, Han and Luke arrived back home, out of breath from searching for their Wookiee friend all day.

Once the twins said goodbye to Han and he retreated back out into Naboo to look for Chewbacca, Luke pulled open the door, just to find a furious Anakin looming over them with his arms crossed tightly over his chest.

"There are my twins," he said between gritted teeth, trying to sound as calm as possible. "Would you like to tell me where you were and why you're home at this time?" He glanced back at the clock. "Do you realize what time it is?"

"Yes, Dad --" Leia started, but Anakin interrupted her.

"It's past one."

Padme came down the stairs back inside the house, rubbing her eyes. "Ani? What are you doing?" she asked, walking towards them and wrapping her robe around her body. She walked to the doorway and saw the twins, gasping. "Luke and Leia, where were you all of this time? Come here," she said, taking both of their heads and holding them against her shoulders. "Both of you -- never do that again. Do you hear me?"

"Yes," Luke and Leia said in unison, their voices muffled.

Padme let them go, and they all stood across from each other, parents across from twins.

"Get to bed, twins." Luke and Leia ran past their father and up the stairs, not wishing for another reprimand.

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