Twenty - Confusion

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'Finn' later led the couple out of the bar and to the ship, but before he could step on, Anakin rushed forward and clasped the trooper by the shoulder, spinning him around.

"Hey, do you want to explain all of this?" Anakin spat, looking the shorter man directly in the eye.

"There isn't any time to explain all of it now," Finn said. "If you want to leave and get back home, you may as well leave now. You'll never get there if you don't."

"What do you mean? It's not there's any time limit, here --"

"Listen," Finn said, his eyes intense and his jaw set, "there were two wars going on. There's our war, and there's your war, which just ended because of your abandonment and Sidious' death. And our war is being led by your grandson."

"You're talking trash," Anakin growled, seizing Finn by the collar and slamming him against the exterior of the shuttle. "Tell me the truth, or I'll --"

"Anakin," Padme warned, stepping forward and setting her hand on his arm. Anakin gave Finn a little shove before letting go of him and stepped away, crossing his arms over his chest tightly.

"Tell me the truth," Anakin tried, this time in a softer tone.

Finn let out a heavy breath, rubbing his neck. "Well, what I just told you... it is the truth." He waited a for Anakin to have a reaction to this, but he just stood there, watching him. "This might be hard to believe, but there is a whole other side to the galaxy. While our side moved on and progressed in time, yours stopped."

"But how do I have a grandson if my son and daughter are still young on our side of the galaxy?"

Finn shrugged. "I'm sorry. That question remains unanswered."

Anakin thought for a moment, standing in silence.

"Well, we'd better moving while the skies are clear," Finn interrupted, jerking Anakin from his thoughts.

Anakin nodded, helping Padme in the ship after Finn climbed in. He didn't understand the point Finn was trying to get across, and almost didn't believe him because of it. But then again, he felt like he didn't understand anything anymore. He was just a clueless, lost man.

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