Nine - A Friend Lost

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The next morning, Leia awoke abruptly to the sound of the glass of her balcony doors shaking, being banged on.

She jumped out of bed, throwing back the curtains, just to reveal --

"Han?!" Leia threw open the balcony doors without question. "What are you doing here? And how'd you get up here? More importantly, how did you get across the lake to even be here at my house?!"

The young smuggler scratched the back of his head and shrugged. "I just swam across the lake."

"That explains why... you're dripping water all over my floor! Get off the carpet, you dirty piece of kriff!" Frantically, Han jumped off of the carpet in Leia's room and back onto the balcony. "Sorry, your Worshipfulness."

"Oh, come here! You know I was only kidding!" Leia laughed, throwing her arms around Han and burying her face in the crook of his shoulder. Han was surprised by her sudden turn, but hugged her back, wrapping his arms around her petite body. "I missed you, Han," Leia mumbled, her voice muffled.

"Uh... you too, Princess."

Leia pulled away, a worried look on her face. "Is something concerning you?" she asked quietly, fixing the lapels of his collar.

"It's just... listen, Leia. I met this girl --"

"Another girl? What girl..."

"Yeah, but hold on a minute. So this girl, right? I met her at the cantina the other night, just near here... I got to talking to her, and eventually, I said I had to go. Just before I left, she told me she would call me. I was confused, because she didn't have my contact. Later, though, she ended up calling me. She left a real freaky message, saying she was going to take Chewie away because she knew how much he meant to me. And wham, the next morning -- he's gone."

"Who is this girl?" Leia asked as Han held her arms in his. "And why would she take the walking carpet? Who does she think she is?"

"I don't know, Leia. What do I do?"

"I don't know. I'll --"

Han's attention was suddenly directed towards the door. "Kid!"

Leia turned around to see her twin brother and rolled her eyes. "Luke, could you come in at a worse time?"

"Sorry, Sis. So, Han, uh... what's up?"

"Not much. Chewie's gone. You?"

"Wait, he's gone? Why? Or how?"

"Long story short, he was stolen by a creepy girl I met at the cantina nearby."

"I didn't know that hunk of fur would even let anyone steal him!" Luke shook his head, sucking his teeth. "Sorry, Han."

"It's alright. It's my fault. I shouldn't have talked to her at all."

"You couldn't help it. She approached you," Leia interjected.

"I don't know how I'm gonna get him back." Han shook his head. "I guess we'll have to find him."

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