Chpt. 6 The Autobots

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I was surrounded by darkness, again. It was the cold, lonely kind, then I felt a familiar, comforting warmth. I looked around, this time there was a dim glow coming from somewhere to my right. I tried to move over to it but I couldn't. I was floating so I could not walk over to it. I tried a swimming motion toward the glow, but I couldn't. It felt like something was holding me in place.

I started to panic. I do not do well in the dark. I'm not scared of it. I just do not like not being able to see my surroundings, who knows what could jump out. Also not being able to move did not help, at all. I tried again to move toward the light, but I was still stuck.

"Child." It was that voice again. The same one I heard after Vince stabbed me. "There is no need to fear young one you are safe." I looked around hoping to see the source of the voice. "I am over here child." It came from the glow.

"W-who are you?" I asked trying not to my voice shake to much. I didn't know what was happening. I don't like not knowing.

"I, young one, am Primus. You shall learn more about me later, because that is not important. There is a more important reason for why I have brought you here to me. You are important to the war." What?

"Where is here? And what do you mean important? I am not important. What war?!" I was very concerned and confused about what the H E double hockey stick is going on.

"All will be explained in due time. For now, when you wake up, you must trust the beings around you. They are also my children. They can be trusted."

"Who are they?" I wanted to know what was happening. 

"As I said previously, All will be explained. Now it is time for you to awaken." His glow started to dim and I felt his presence fade.

"WAIT!" I called after him. He stopped. "Will I see you again?" I didn't really want to be left alone again, and his presence is very comforting although confused.

"Eventually, child, we shall meet again, but I do not know when yet, only that we shall." With that he left. Like a candle being blown out I was left alone, in the dark, again.

I sat there for what seemed like hours. Although it was probably only minutes. I started thinking I would be here forever, when suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my side.I doubled over, but held in my scream. It felt like my ribs were shattered or worse. I was having a hard time breathing.

I realized that I was gaining consciousness, and everything hurt, bad. I heard voices all around me and giant clanging footsteps. They were like the same ones I heard right before I fell into unconsciousness. I tried to focus on what the voices were saying , but I had a huge ringing in my ears. So I only heard murmurs. I saw a bright light shining through my eyelids. It gave me a headache so I scrunched my eyes closed tighter, grimacing slightly. Then I was able to hear one voice very clearly.

"HEY GUYS! SHE MOVED. I THINK SHE'S WAKING UP!!!" The voice I had heard said. The yelling also did not help my headache. I groaned. I then heard a new voice.

"Miko I told you to stay away from medbay and let the patient be ." I heard the giant footsteps getting closer. Then the light was dimmed.

"Thank you," I groaned in my scratchy voice. It was hard to talk. I must have been out for a while or I am dehydrated slightly from my recent run. Now that I am thinking it was probably the latter. I then heard the same voice

"You are welcome." The voice almost sounded surprised. "I need you to open your op- er eyes for me" The same voice says. he sounded unsure of the word. I'm going to guess he is some sort of doctor so I'll call him Doc.

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