VII: A Sinner and A Saint

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QOTC:Consider it a race to see who finds him first, Tsunade-sama—Naruto, the other Nations, or Sakura.

- Shikamaru to Tsunade & Team Sakura


Chapter 7: A Sinner and a Saint

"Hey you,"

"Hey babe."

Both lovers smiled in jollity. Now Shikamaru had been standing outside Gin's, watching the little kings of Konoha. Some stroll around holding their kytes, and it kind of reminded him of the old days considered so much better than present. "So, got any mission yet?" Temari asked, holding her phone more firmly. "Nooope." The Nara boy said lamely. "What are you doing?"

Temari held the white towel above her chest, wrapped and cocooned as a butterfly. "Well... Actually," she blushed, remembering one time they were on a hot spring and he'd caught her wearing the same outfit. "I'm off to take a shower but now that'll have to wait."

On the other side of the room, Gaara was passing by when he'd caught sight of her. His eyes widen of course, seemingly how his big sister was half-naked. He slapped an irritatable hand into his forehead, then Temari instantly signaled him within her fingers to shoo him away. "Shika? You still there?"

"Yeah I'm good," Shikamaru said, after his cheeks flashed a dash of red. "Just checking up on you you know," Temari giggled. "Well now that I'm okay, what do you want to tell me Mr. Casual Pervert?"

"Is it so troublesome just to tell someone you've missed them, that you badly wanted to come over and sleep next to that person? Because if there's no other way around, I want my money back."

"Come on, I know you're hiding something from me. And it won't be long before I find out what's troubling you because I won't be answering your calls."

"Hey, no fair."

"Kidding! Now are you gonna tell me or what??"

"Fine. I don't think I can do this."

"Do what?" She asked.

"Form a strategey." He pictured Tsunade giving him a list of the things he'd never achieved, which made his fingers shake through the phone. "I don't really think they'll agree with the idea I'm planning."

"Hey, listen to me okay? You are the most genius guy I've ever met. Take it from me Shika, you're smarter than any of them. Because if you aren't, you wouldn't have beaten me back at the exams and bailed me out all the way from Oto. Where in fact, I wouldn't even be here in my birthday suit to take a soothing cold shower."

"Naked." Shikamaru cocked his pinapple head. "I know the drill."

"Are you flirting with me?"

First Shikamaru checked in case anyone was listening. "Do you find that distracting?"

"Apparently yes." Temari bit her lip, hugging the cutie li'l teddy bear he got for her during her birthday. "And, since you're not around I'll just have to play with this cutie little thing. Right Shikabear??" She waved the stuff toy in front of him, where in Shikamaru sees it as a challenge. "Lucky." He nodded his head with a smirk. When he turned, Kiba was there, tapping his foot. He guessed he was a bit frightened because he wouldn't have jumped like a bipolar kangaroo. "Listen I gotta go, I'll call you when it's over kay?"

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